
Tuesday 31 December 2019

2019 A Load Of Balls

Not only does this sum up 2019 it's also my last purchase of 2019!! Having painted very little through the year some of my paints have started to come out a little thin so a ball bearing a bottle should help do the trick. 

I crashed out of last years painting challenge almost straight out of the blocks. The reason is the ongoing poor health of Cath. Early last year we were told her condition was very serious and late stage bowel cancer was the chief suspect. Fortunately this was not the case though through the next three months various other life threatening possibilities just kept replacing others that had been countered out. Currently waiting the latest batch of test results as they still can't say what it is. Life continues but much slower. Cath remains in a lot of pain, has replaced none of the weight she lost (over 20% of her weight) but in many other ways has improved. All this has really dented my creative interest but fortunately it has come back though I don't give it nearly as much time as I have prior. 

So a potted history of my 2019 hobby time.

I did get a couple of SYW 15mm French command stands finished for my son and another that still waits on being based. I also started three battalions of infantry. These I have picked back up recently and will be finished in January, 12 months after being started.

Nothing from then till contacted by a mate asking if I would do another diorama for his ASL tournament. I was happy to oblige and it actually got me back into doing some painting after more than eight months of nothing. So a big thanks to Martin for getting me started again. I will blog it sometime soon(ish) This had the added spark of making me want to try my hand at doing dioramas just for fun. I have yet to act on this but the cheques in the post.

The money I made from the dio I spent on a airbrush and compressor which I have only had a minor play with so far but that is one reason to clear the desk of my son's figures. Not sure where I will go with this but I really want to get into this.

Next up was a quick paint for Cath, a figure I bought years ago and was always going to get round to painting. In the end it was rather quick and done. Again try to post later.

The last item of 2019 was a bust for my nephews Christmas present. I never got great pics of this but again this will find it's way onto the blog.

Never quite got round to getting any games in this year, now been a couple of years and that will have had some effect but really have not had the energy to finalise the games that I was going to get in. 

So as you can see the year was mostly balls but were still here so lets see what happens now.