
Painting Challenge Totals

2016/17 Challenge Totals

I did not keep a good running total last year so hope to do much better this time around. I have pledged 750 points but have prepped 1500 points worth so it will be interesting to see where between these numbers in finish up. Especially as I will be prepping other work as I go.

1st Entry three SYW Prussian guns in 15mm for 28 points and a very short lead in the standings.

2nd Entry four 96 figure pike blocks in 6mm for 200 points
3rd Entry two 18 figure SYW Prussian battalions for 72 points

4th entry, eight regiments of foote for the ECW in 6mm for 112 points

5th Entry two regiments of Prussian SYW Dragoons for 114 points

6th Entry seven regiments of 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry

3 guns 8 crew Artillery
72 infantry
28 cavalry

511 infantry
65 cavalry

2015/16 Challenge Totals

The challenge has been opened for the VIth APC, I will again be taking part and though I will not be putting up the numbers of previous years still hope to get plenty of work out the door.

1st Entry Persian Command Stand in 15mm
2nd Entry 2 Battalions of British Napoleonic Rifles in 6mm

Three 15mm Mounted

Forty Eight 6mm Infantry

2014/15 Challenge Totals

The Vth Painting Challenge and the fourth I have taken part in is under way and so like the last two years is a running tally of my results.

1st Entry 6mm Three Battalions of Prussian Landwehr, eight guns and crews. One Battalion of Old Guard and two guns and crews of Old Guard Horse and Foot guns and crews

2nd Entry 28mm Saga Vikings six infantry

3rd Entry 28mm Twelve WWII snow bound Sniper Reminders for the Cold Bonus Round

4th Entry 15mm Forty Eight Roman infantry

5th Entry 6mm Ninety Seven Macedonian pike

6th Entry 28mm Two each of Cowboys mounted and on foot

7th Entry 20mm Thirty Eight Russian WWII Infanrty

8th Entry 28mm Seven Wolves

9th Entry 15mm Six Roman Slingers

10th Entry 6mm Battalion of French Napoleonic Infantry

11th Entry 20mm 3x T34's and six infantry

12th Entry 28mm Eight Viking Warriors for Saga

13th Entry 6mm Zulus Two Hundred and Sixty Four infantry

14th Entry 15mm Essex Roman bow troops Forty of them

15th Entry 6mm Rifle armed Zulu Ninety Six Baccus figs

16th Entry 15mm Thracian infantry for FoG 62 figures

17th Entry 30mm Bob Dylan figure

18th Entry 6mm Saka Horse Archers 15 figures Eight Elephant escorts and six elephants

19th Entry 28mm Sixteen Vikings, Two Rohan infantry and a big monster and a Partisan

20th Entry 6mm Twenty seven Napoleonic French Cavalry

21st Entry 15mm Fifty Two Roman Infantry

22nd Entry 6mm Ninety Six British Napoleonic Infantry

23rd Entry 6mm Ninety Six Ancient light infantry, Three infantry and one mounted Casualties and Four heavy stone throwers

24th Entry 15mm Forty Eight Roman Cavalry

25th Entry 6mm One Hundred and Twenty British Napoleonic Infantry

26th Entry 28mm Seven Griping Beast Vikings

27th Entry 6mm Four Regiments of Infantry ECW each of 28 figures

28th Entry 6mm One unit of Hoplites of 48 figures

Fifty Four 25-30mm Infantry

Two 28mm Mounted

Thirty Eight 20mm Infantry

Three 20mm Tanks

Two Hundred and Eight 15mm Infantry

Forty Eight 15mm Cavalry

One Thousand and Seventy Two 6mm Infantry

Forty Four 6mm Mounted Figures

Sixty Four Crew and Sixteen Guns 6mm Artillery

2013/14 Challenge Totals

First Submission Two 28mm Fantasy Figures including the none combatant themed round

Second Submission Twenty Four 15mm Roman Infantry

Third, One Sniper Reminder with a difference

Forth, Thirteen Battalions French Napoleonic Infantry

Fifth, Thirteen 28mm Cowboys including the entry fee.

Sixth, three 15mm StuG's

Seventh, eleven 28mm Russian WWII Infantry

Eighth, Deluxe 28mm Sniper Reminder

Ninth, one Sniper reminder and one Deluxe sniper reminder

Tenth, eleven sniper reminders

Eleventh, three 54mm Figures for the Casualty Round

Twelfth, one 28mm Viking and Fifteen 6mm Mounted Generals

Thirteenth one 28mm Figure for Favourite Character

Three 54mm Infantry

Forty Two 28mm Infantry

Twenty Four 15mm Infantry

Three 15mm Vehicles

Three Hundred and Sixty Four 6mm Infantry

Four 6mm Mounted

2012/13 Challenge Totals

With he Painting Challenge Underway I thought it would be fun to keep track of my totals just because.....

First Submission three 20mm elephants two with two crew and one with three crew.

Second Submission thirty three 20mm cavalry.

Upping the cavalry total with thirty six French Cuirassier heavy cavalry in 6mm.

Forty Five French Chasseurs in 6mm flesh out nicely my Cavalry.

A single WWII German 28mm Sniper Reminder and my Secret Santa of 12 guns and crews with 4 limbers, all 6mm Baccus.

One more lonely 28mm sniper reminder and four Mansions of Madness investigators

The last four Investigators for MoM

Twenty Four Persian Cavalry for FoG

Eight Regiments of Italian Napoleonic Infantry in 6mm

Forty eight French 6mm WSS Infantry

Two 28mm Sniper Reminders with extra base detail

Three Hundred and Thirty Six French 6mm WSS Infantry

Thirty six German and Forty American WWII 15mm infantry

Sixteen 28mm Sniper Reminders

Four Sniper Reminders and Forty Five 6mm Hussars

Three 6mm Command figures, Ninety Eight WSS 6mm infantry and Four guns each with a crew of four

Three 6mm Command figures, Ninety Six WSS 6mm cavalry

One 28mm Samurai, Forty One 15mm WWII infantry

Twelve 15mm ECW Cavalry, Four mounted and Twenty dismounted 15mm ECW Dragoons, Nine 6mm ECW Cavalry, Nine 6mm mounted Dragoons, Sixteen dismounted 6mm Dragoons, Eight 6mm gun crew and two guns, Three 6mm Napoleonic command figures

Three Hundred and Thirty Six 6mm Prussian Infantry

Three Hundred and Thirty Six 6mm Confederate Infantry

One Hundred and Sixty Eight 6mm French Napoleonic Infantry

Twenty Five 28mm Infantry
Eight 25/28mm Investigators
Thirty Three 20mm Cavalry
Three 20mm Elephants
Fourty 15mm Cavalry
One Hundred and Thirty Seven 15mm Infantry
Two Hundred and Forty Nine 6mm Cavalry
One Thousand Six Hundred and Six 6mm Infantry
Eighteen guns and Seventy Two man crews. Four Limbers. 6mm Artillery

And here ends the 3rd Annual Painting Challenge. I finished in sixth place just scrapping past my second personal goal of 2000 points. I had a ball and already looking forward to next year, though for a few days I will not be painting any figures. However I do fancy a go at some of those houses I have put off for the last three months.

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