
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Lancer Love

On a post below I mentioned I painted and based 5 Regiments of Lancers in 24 hours. So I thought I had better show the results. I know I can paint better if I paint slower but the plan is to move over to Baccus if they are easier to paint detail onto (a major problem with these Irregular models).

Most of the paints are Vallejo and the flock is a mix of two suppliers, the brown a wargames supplier whilst the Green mix is a model railway supplier that is sold by many figure suppliers now. I have put a 5p coin (same size as a dime I think) to show scale for anyone unfamiliar with 6mm figures.

Overall I am happy with the flocking. Three of the regiments have red (well scarlet and crimson too) facings whilst the others have blue and as before mentioned orange. £1.80 for a Vallejo tub and I needed just 8 dots, now I need to find another use for German Orange.

More effort went into these guys than the Hussars I have already done. Red edging on the saddle cloths for one. Pennants on the lance tips in red and white for another. The figures are based on Warbases as per a previous post. Only one more Lancer regiment wore the green coat, the rest all have dark blue but only one of these have I found listed as being at Borodino. Plenty of Polish to consider once I have the French well represented.

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