
Saturday 12 November 2011

Oh Mr Postman, have you a parcel for me?

Well in fact he had two. In an attempt to work some magic on my version of wargame neutral I had the idea that if I bought unpainted figures, painted them and then sold them on, the profit I made would allow me to buy yet more figures or other wargaming related merch and not count against my spend limit. At the moment I am waiting for Lee to order the mini's for our Ancients and whilst I have a few units left to paint already waiting and lets not mention the whole 6mm Baccus starter army (with extras) that I want to flesh out my French Naps with etc etc. I really felt the need to move into this idea. I really wanted something within my comfort zone (15mm) but the price on some 25mm slingers and a rather large Nap infantry pile just got me going. I got them for a low price and the slingers once painted I hope to get back what I paid for both sets so long term I should come out on a profit but still I am looking forward to painting the lot. The slingers arrived first so they are next on my table. Given the current unit just requires helmets finishing then it's onto basing and varnishing this will not be far off. As for the Napoleonic's well that all depends on a few other projects I have possibly in the wings for other people.


  1. I must admit I do this sometimes myself but you never get what you think they're worth.

  2. Yes e-bay seems to fetch less than a bring and buy, problem is I have known B&B `loose' items on sale, the guy who `lost' my item soon found it again when I told him not only was I there when my item was sold but he had sold it. 10 seconds later (with back to me and one hand in a pocket) and what would you know, ticket found money handed over. Saw EXACTLTY same thing at a con this year by the same guy!

    As I am unable to work at the moment the amount of money they fetch is not really an issue, it's just money to replace lead I am unable to buy otherwise and painting is one of a very short list that does not leave me exhaustered. I'm happy if I break even or slight profit.


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