
Wednesday 8 February 2012

6th and 7th Hussars enter the rolls.

These guys have been painted for so long one of them was snuck onto my most recent Naps game! I finished them a couple of weeks ago but it was getting round to getting Cath to take the pictures. In the end it was a case of clearing some space on the painting table so the pics are not the best but do the job. These will join the Irregular Hussars I have already painted. I still have plenty to go at though. The figures by Baccus which is the second lot of cavalry I have painted of there's and have yet to paint any of there foot. Post March 20th I will be looking at doing a string of them.
This is the 7th Hussars, with a basic uniform of Green. I managed to screw up and paint the horse of the Trumpeter brown. I know they should be white or grey but I had a brain fart and as I did the 6th at the same time I messed him up as well.
The detail on the figures is really good. I still have to paint them in daylight though but the next lot I am going to undercoat in white and wash in black to see if that helps. As I paint the whole figure rather than paint highlights I gain little from undercoating in black.
I don't think zooming into 6mm tall figures really does them any favours but I wanted to show off the lace on the Pellese. The game I mentioned above was not their finest hour, I am hoping for better next time I fight them.
I mentioned detail above, but can you see the pigtails? After some debate I changed the colour of the roll on the rear of the saddle, it should be the same as the uniform not the facing but it just looked like a continuation of the jacket so I reversed the colours. I am happy with the decision even if it's not correct.
Now all we need to do is sort out rules that we are happy with and it's onward. I now have to upscale as I am back to 28mm WWII and have to get my 20mm Roman Axilia snapped.


  1. I moved down scales from 28mm to 15mm figures a few years ago and I thought that was hard! Painting details on 6mm figures gives me a headache thinking about it.

  2. I think that's harder to do, especially with something like Naps. 6mm you can get away with painting what level of detail you want. The great thing is that you can paint whole regiments in a single day if you get a good start. Wait though till I get to doing the infantry, 48 figures to a base!!!!


  3. Do you use a magnifying glass to paint them?

  4. LOL I have tried in the past but the field of depth made it impossible!! I just paint these guys in daylight though


  5. That's what I like to do when I take pictures of food. Use that day light. Amazing stuff.

    Happy Painting.

  6. I love food as well, so happy cooking. I was once doing recepie cards for work (I was doing cooking demos as a kind of a hobby) and needed to take photo's, it's fairly hard to photo food well!!!



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