
Monday 13 February 2012

Bloody Good Stuff!!!

Just back from the Hospital and just feel the need to shout about it. Often this of course means you have had some bad experience, well I am glad to say that's not the case. My treatment for my condition requires blood removal. This is to the tune of a pint every two weeks (though I have to go back next week for another session so that will be two pints in two weeks). This is the only way to get the iron levels down. Well the good news is that due to a mix of Blood Reductions, not eating (or drinking) from my banned list and lifestyle (none serious exercise-which at the moment means almost none!!!) my Ferritin is dropping at well over the average and whilst I am still more than twice the fatal level it's much better than the 4 times I was at the start of treatment. Not only that but my red blood cells are holding out so I can continue with the punishing level of treatment. The only fly in the ointment is the lack of recovery from fatigue, whilst I continue the reductions at the pace they are at the moment I will of course have a fairly high level of fatigue but the bone crunching levels should have started to drop off. As this varies on a case by case level it's not too much concern as yet and the level of pushing I did before the collapse of my body may well be a major factor. Lesson for you all, whilst you may lay it all on the line for your company they can cut you so quick when your no use to them.
Overall it's a good day, so I am rather upbeat, so much that I sneaked into the local game store and bought the two missing paints for my Yanks I am about to start. Just don't tell the wife LOL.


  1. My lips are sealed!!!!! What is your health problem Ian, if you don't mind me asking?

  2. I don't mind telling LOL

    I have Hemochromatosis, or too much Iron (feretin) in my body, as in way to much. Joe Blogs has about 40-50 units, I punched the clock at over 1500. It's fatal without treatment at a little over 400 and I am now in the high 800's so whilst I have a long way to go it's getting better. The Docs could not beleive what I was doing up to a few months before dignosis, i.e 60-80 hours a week, running a £10 mill company all over Britain (inc Ireland) which not inc lots of travel but a lot of physical work. Simply put it was thought to be impossible to do what I was doing with feritin levels so high as it causes such high levels of fatigue. But once I stopped work the walls tumbled down and now it seems like I am paying the price. Still I would not have got back into the minis if it did not happen so all is good LOL

  3. Never heard of that before?? sounds bloody horrible, at least it sounds as though your well on your way to a recovery, and like you said, at least you can keep yourself busy with this daft hobby of ours!!

  4. Not surprising, not a lot was known of it just twenty years ago, people just died from it I guess. Well you die from the other stuff, via Liver disease, heart attack and stroke mainly. But it's being found more as more Doc's gain experiance with the symtoms and get those tests done. But in fairness from what I have seen of other patients I am lucky as whilst I am very young to be so far advanced I have none of the other ailments that seem to go with it. Also it helps that it's in with the Cemo patients and if you need a shot of shut the f up, that's the place to go. The bravery and the determination of those people sure help when you feel sorry for yourself.

  5. My father had something very similar to this and was able to manage it and live to a ripe old age.

  6. Ian's ripe enough as it is! ;)

    Seriously well done for dealing with this. When we chatted at York I don't think I realised the full extent of the problem.

    Keep up the 'treatment' and keep up the painting!

    And take it easy when you can!


  7. Oh yes it's very managable, the trick is getting the iron levels down as quickly as possible to limit the damage. I have my Liver scan today (at last) which will also confirm that I have plenty of time to do this (I hope) but obviously the faster you can get it down the better, hence the elation yesterday. Once under 400 I will be safe and it's just all about reducing to 50ish and then maintaining. Then none of the associated health issues should show up. At the moment it's all about managing the pain and fatigue, both strangly are subdued by painting figures (I joke not!!) but so far the NHS has not obliged with free figures LOL


  8. Damned glad to hear it, amazing but horrible......keep looking after yourself Ian.

  9. you may lay it all on the line for your company they can cut you so quick when your no use to them. - OH how true... hmm figures on prescription that would be great. Glad to see you are getting there


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