
Friday 30 March 2012

WIP Post Challange

As I have mentioned a few times, despite throwing a lot of effort at the challenge in the final stages I still have the urge to paint. Unlike the Machine that goes by the name of Ray I had cleared the table of all ongoing figures just in time for the end of the contest. No 500+ points sitting waiting a last lick of paint and basing no Sir! Instead I cleared the table of all bits and bobs, gave it a good clean and just left it clear for a couple of days.
Last night saw me finish the basic work on four American riflemen, these now need decals fitting, varnishing and basing on the casualty markers. This was a bit of a rush as a friend wanted one set figure so on Monday I went out and bought the pack it was in. Top right is the first 4 regiments of 6mm French Napoleonic, still plenty of work on these guys. Facings, cords, shako plates and pom poms for the main part then it's base them up time.
All cleaned up and ready to go is a few Australian test figures surrounded by about 12 Japanese which are the next figures to get done. The big question though is what am I going to do whilst I am at these? I think I will paint up a ECW regiment I have lying around before Triples in May but before doing that I am fairly sure I will do more of the Ancients, only which one? I also want to start the 20mm project but need to commit to a set army, I think I have decided as it will allow me to use the Roman Auxillia I have already painted. Again it's a case of when. I need to sit down, work out what I need, look at the other projects and see what I need for these and then prioritise.

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