
Thursday 8 March 2012

WIP well sort of.

I am in the final stages of three groups of figures all so very different. First up the 28mm Germans, these have just received a wash of GW Devlan Mud and just need a few touch ups then it's varnish time. Based but needing flock work is a couple of 6mm wagons I picked up on e-bay late last year and had been on the painting desk waiting. Last up is my camp for FoG, this now needs varnish and tufts to finish it off. So three projects close to the end.
Talking of close to the end the Painting Challenge ran by Curt at Analogue Hobbies will finish soon. Come 20th of March we have to have our last items in for scoring and that will be it for this year. Curt has done a great job with this, I am not sure he realised how much work it would be this time and I am sure it has increased my output which is one of the main aims of the challenge. I have to admit seeing the quantity and quality put out by fellow bloggers has been fantastic. I hope he runs it next year and would love to take part again. As I finish the three lots above I have to decide what to paint next. I need to do 12 British 28's to go with the Germans etc. but I also have several other units vying for attention. I really want to start on some of the figures Martin gave me last year, this in part because Lee having also gone down the Macedonian route means I don't have to hurry with the straight Macedonian army but as both armies share units it is not to difficult to change track some. I also bought figures not so long ago that demand attention, also 15mm Ancients. Last up I have all those 6mm French Infantry that demand my time. I am keeping an eye on the finish line of the contest and the need to crack on with the Sniper project so I think later will see me with a bunch of 28mm and 15mm on the prep table. Once these figures are done then I will treat myself to a few bases of 6mm.


  1. Looks like you have a good work area there, which is cool. Work areas are important, I think.

    Happy Painting :-)

  2. It's a smallish fold up table, this keeps in check what I have lying around which is not a bad thing. It sits next to the window so I get lots of good light in the day.

    Give me a hour and I will be back at it LOL


  3. The painting challenge also cost me a fortune as well but started the stagnant painting juices going again.....

  4. I get you, it's never a good idea but I have been watching the cost of my Sniper project. So far I have spent £180 on this. Sure I have ASL players wanting enough to get this back, I still have more to spend. Some of the idea's that are spinning off this though are great but will further push the costs. Since coming back in about September last year I must have spent £3-500 but I hold myself up knowing sale value is higher. Having to buy almost all knew paints was a big part to this. been fun though


  5. Great post, and I'll agree with you its definitely upped my output!!

  6. Was it you or Fran that claimed you would not do much but as long as you beat the other you did not care? Look at the points, both of you have blastered into the distance LOL


  7. The challenge has certainly led to me painting different things whihc has been a real joy. I know what you mean about the costs , but it is FUN! I have sold a few things which has certainly paid all my start up ones again.

  8. Well the sniper project will be self funding, the idea is that it will pay plenty towards my other stuff as well. I have plenty to keep me going for months but I know when Triples comes around in May I will want to buy more.

    Yep fun is the word


  9. When I sewed a lot, I had my sewing table next to a big bright window.

    Love that.

    It was foldable as well.


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