
Thursday 12 April 2012

6mm Napoleonic Reinforcements

I bought these Baccus figures at Derby last year. In fact I bought rather more than these four Regiments and have been working my way through the Cavalry already. I don't feel bad about only just getting round to some of the infantry given the other projects that I have on the go but I was really looking forward to painting these so finally pushed some of them onto the table.
I have already been surprised by the detail of the Cavalry, remember the pigtails? Well as you would expect the Infantry also are super detailed, such as the detail on the Shako's, though I ended up not painting the cords as they looked just to big (I painted some then over painted). I normally undercoat in black for 6mm but tried white and then washing in black to pull up the detail. This worked very well and will be my preferred method from now on. I still paint 6mm just like I paint 15mm, as in to the edge rather than area paint. This means it takes a lot longer to paint and whilst it looks no better when fighting a battle, close inspection does not make me blush.
These Regiments are made up of 24 figures and in the case of 3 Regiments a 4 man skirmish force out front. A total of 108 figures and took about 8 sessions to paint up. In truth I was unhappy with the look of them until I added the facings then they seemed to come together and now fully finished I am happy with them. My only gripe is the skirmish figures, just two poses, they are significantly larger than the rest and are poorer sculps than the rest. I am hoping these will be some of the figures that Baccus are planning to resculp for the French.
Close up of the one regiment without a skirmish line. The flag is also Baccus and was fairly easy to work with, just cut out, slap some PVA on one side and work round the Eagle. Whilst wet I used tweezers to rumple the flags (this is possibly the worst example LOL)
Regiments marching forward. The original plan was to base two regiments per base but I felt they filled out a base well enough on their own. I already have 20+ regiments in line so will continue to do column's for the time being. I will also do a couple moving from column to line and probably a few squares just for effect. All I need to do is crack on with the rules and possibly try another set or two as well.
I am really pleased with the colour of these units, they will really stand out against previous efforts, art of this is the white base coat but adding the red facings really lifted them. The shear colour of the Napoleonic period is what grabs me the most. I don't see me adding much to my Prussians but the French have a long way to go. I know Barry intends to add to his Brit's and Lee will just go into overdrive with his once we get playing, though he also has the Brits. Matt has the Russians and these are based the same so I can see a fair bit of action for my French, Huzzah!!!
As I was buying the 6mm Tufts for my other scales I felt compelled to buy some 2mm Tufts to try out on the 6mm bases. I have to say I really liked them, I went far heavier that would on the 15mm figures, after all I did buy the large pack! This was the right way to go but I originally thought the large pack would last me out, err, no it's just a place to start! I will go back to the other bases and add tufts to these, such is the lot of a wargamer.


  1. 6mm goodness and partial blindness?

  2. Are they based for Grand Armee? Very good paint job.

  3. I find I struggle to paint 6mm in the evenings, need to invest in a new daylight bulb.

    Based to Polemos which is the basis of the rules I am writting. Very much open to suggestions to a good set of 6mm rules that gives the feel of Naps without waiding through heavy rules


  4. Oh my goodness, I don't know how you do that so well. I struggle with the 28mm miniatures; which reminds me I must get my eyes tested! ;)

  5. I've started painting 6mm, and find it hard. You did a really good there.

  6. Very nice!! Baccus do make some great looking figures!

  7. I've seen your struggling, I only wish I could paint 28's so well.

    I also struggled with 6mm when I first painted them, then I found I relaxed into it. I still paint with more effort than 6mm deserve but it's worth it for the results. Painters are out there that do my standard 4 + times as fast though!!!

    Ray you nail it, Baccus are so well sculped that painting them is easier than you would expect, though the detail forces a higher level of detail painting on the models as well LOL


  8. A ggod sculpt really helps the old eyes I must so

    You feeling bit better then?

  9. I am feeling a fair bit better, though yet to pick up a paint rush (these were done just before getting ill). Possibly today.


  10. They look excellent. Can you provide some details on what you used for the bases, please Ian? Materials? Colours etc. They look really good...

  11. Andy,

    just used Warbases base as per your recomendation, then scorred the base before painting it Vellero Uniform Green. I used a brown earth flock for the patches (can't remember the make) then flocked in Woodlands Scenics meadow green (it has little bits of other colour and a mix of green shades).

    After that it was liberal dotting of tufts, these being the 2mm Mininatur 717-23 late summer tufts. found going slightly heavy with them really worked. I bought them direct from the supplier in Germany and it worked out slightly cheaper than buying from the UK. I ordered the large packs and I think it's the way to go.


  12. Cheers Ian. Could you let me know where you got the tufts please?

  13. OK I got them from you will need to click on the Union Jack. The site is still under construction so it's not helpful to find what you need. Try the Gallety and order form. Better is to go to and use his site to get the codes from. His prices are about the same as direct but his postage can be shocking and was higher than it cost from Germany!!! For two large packs it worked out just a couple of pounds cheaper direct. My main reason going direct at the time was that Anteno... was out of stock.

    Note that you get a 2.5% discount direct for paying up front.

    Any problems search mininatur on Google and Mininatur UK both should get you results.



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