
Friday 6 April 2012

A Short (hopefully) Delay

Just a quick note to you all out there. I touched on this on Sunday regarding being ill. Since then I have got worse and now whilst I am fairly sure I am the start of recovery it will be weeks if not months before I am back to March levels of energy and health. Just a bad cold was enough to cause the problems and as things stand looking at a computer screen is extremly tiring so I do not see me doing much blogging in the next week or three. Keep an eye out and you will see.


  1. Hope you recover soon Ian :)

  2. Take it easy mate, and get well again soon.

  3. Look after yourself, hope you feel better soon!!!

  4. You take care of yourself Ian, hope you get back to full health soon.

  5. Sorry to hear that Ian, get better soon. You giveaway prize will be in the post on Tuesday as I just managed to miss the post office today. Have an enjoyable few hours watchinng it.


  6. Thanks to you all, starting to recover. Not been up to painting figures so have worked on a bit of terrain ideas. Nothing much to show for it yet but watch out towards the end of the week.
    Looking forward to the DVD Dave, Many thanks for that, just got to wait till the kigs go back to school to watch it LOL


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