
Friday 11 May 2012

10 Years of Marital Bliss

Yes today we celebrated our Silver Anniversary  ;-)

This obviously meant I was torn bodily from in front of my Computer for the day as we went out on our own after taking the kids to school. Well and after checking e-mails, reading a few blogs and dare I say it flocking 24 Peltasts, 20 ECW Foote, 3 Impetus Numidian LC and six Japanese Sniper Reminders. Cath took it fairly well (I think she was hoping to finish that book before heading out the door and the silence in the car was her reflecting on how lucky she is).

Very nice walk it was too, part way through Cath admitted to finding out a few old miniatures she had never got round to painting and starting to feel the urge to get them done.

When we got back I de-flocked the excess and after fetching the kids from school I spent the next two to three hours adding tufts and other bits and bobs to the bases ready for a photo shoot hopefully booked for tomorrow. So anyone waiting for the AAR from yesterday, well you have one more day to wait as I will get it done tomorrow and the miniatures catch up over the next few days. Meanwhile, here is a picture of my painting table just two days ago.

It was a real mix of projects, all coming to the same point, hence the wife having to wait. Kuani is in the process of being made (10 foot high grass as seen in the PTO), Numidian 20mm for the newest venture, got to love painting them! Peltasts keeping the ECW Foote company at the top and the last of the Japanese Sniper Reminders top right. I have in fact set up a permanent painting desk (my old work desk) but awaiting a small lamp before I can use it. I will still do a chunk of work on this little table though as it allows me to be in the same room as the rest of my bypods.


  1. I had to take a double-take at the post title - first read had it as "10 year of Martial bliss!" lol

    Congrats on the silver to both of you :)

  2. True Story: On my 10th wedding anniversary a wargames friend of mine came over in the evening and we spent most of it playing Hordes of the Things.

    The Reality: It was midweek, and we were both working that day. The children were still at the small stage. So our actual anniversary celebration was planned for the weekend. That left the day itself free to be treated like any other, although our guest did bring a very nice bottle of wine :)

    We celebrate 20 years next year.

  3. congratulations... I also read "martial bliss" first. I guess we are all so geared up for wargames we assume all titles are warlike too.

  4. Congrats on the anniversary! You obviously have a very patient and understanding wife! ;)

  5. Trust a bunch of wargamers!!!!

    You also missed the joke, 10 years of marital bliss and Silver Wedding is 25 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10 is a more appropriate Tin.

    Oh this wargaming it does go deep


  6. Tin? In fact it's the much more wargaming-appropriate "Pewter" anniversary.

    Yup, hadn't spotted that you'd written "silver" *hangs head in shame*

  7. @Tamsin, yes my little joke. I am a lucky man as Andy kind of pointed out! Strange mix really, I worked away from home 4 days a week for 7 years and the 3 days at home was heavy with work so I did not see that much of the wife and kids a lot of the time then suddenly I am home 24/7. I expected some difficulty having me around all the time but for nearly a year now she has put up with me LOL



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