
Tuesday 15 May 2012

And the Winners are..............

Not a bad showing, I had 15 requests for the balls, and 9 each for the books. So I got the kids to throw a D20 for each person with it going to the highest rolled. I will keep the list in case anyone does not claim their prize and work my way down the list. So drum rolls please.

The Devil's Birthday was won by Dan who has the interesting blog Gunners Wargamming which currently has a post on conversion work to Warhammer Models.

The Commando's at Dieppe was won by Andy McMaster with a roll of 20 no less. His blog is one that I have been following the longest and a good part of the reason I went ahead and started my own wargames blog (you can blame him!!) this being Another Slight Diversion. and his latest post is catching up after another successful ImagiNation games weekend. A very interesting idea that has rather grown as each player seems to have brought along yet more units!

Finally the Musket balls went not to the magical roll of 20 but 19 and was won by BrownK29 who until checking out his site I had not seen. I was impressed enough to click follow straight away so it's worth a pop over to Keith's Wargaming and Painting Blog. His latest post is is showing off his newly painted wraiths with a nice blue wash, they look great.

I have Dan's e-mail address but can Andy and Keith both get in touch with your address please. I will be posting messages on your blogs to let you know you have won as well. If any of you are at Triples this weekend I can bring along your prizes and if you are at Partisan the following week I could be convinced to attend if I can. My e-mail is

ian_willey AT hotmail dot com

Thanks to everyone who entered and better look for the rest of you next time.


  1. congratulations to the winners.
    I didn't really needed your prizes so I didn't enter, but still, it was nice to see such a success.

  2. Nicely done. Congratulations to the winners.

  3. Well done to you and to the winners!!!!

  4. Congrats to Dan, Andy and Keith :)

    And well done to you for running the draw! :)

  5. Congrats to the winners! Pitty I haven't won the musket balls :p

    Thanks for the opportunity though!

  6. Well done to the winners and Ian ofr the giveaway!

  7. Congrats to all - the winners and the prize-giver!

  8. Emails sent. Many thanks to Ian. Off on hols in a few weeks so need new reading matter! Hopefully see you at Partizan to collect.


  9. Well done the winners and congrats to you for getting such a good response to the competition

  10. Very cool, thanks so much, a give away is something I haven't done yet so I will give it some thought and do one to pass on the good vibes, fun stuff.

  11. Hi Ian, I checked my email, didn't see an email from yourself, please re send to



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