
Tuesday 1 May 2012

It's Not A Flag It's A Bloody Standard!

Just started to re-base my old ECW figures for FoG:R to give them a try and see what they look like. Jury is still out. I can live with how they look as Regiments of foote. It is leaving me with left over figures as I have to alter the composition but this will allow the making up of Commanded Musket. Not that I really feel this is correct but you take these things with Army Lists etc. One thing though is that FoG:R is not ECW, it will not give a true representation of the war, maybe it's fine for TYW but I don't know a great deal about the period outside of the UK.

I have been able with the repainting of a few uniforms and total painting of seven spares been able to generate another Regiment (it will be one of the Whitecoat regiments of Newcastle's) so this will give me 6 Regiments already based for FoG:R and I have another 8 to do as well as all the horse and dragoons. I needed to go digging in the box for a couple of missing pikes and a Standard that had been displaced in storage. I pulled out the pike but found two loose Standards, both have the same error. Can you spot it?

The only Regiments allowed to have a full length Jack are Royal Bodyguard Regiments, such as the Kings Lifeguard and of course the Queens. All other Regiments must halt the progress of the Jack at the halfway point down the Standard. Neither of these two Standards belong to a Royal Lifeguard so will require re-painting. I already have the Kings Lifeguard. Another fault is the lack of any devices to represent company or motto's etc. This will be done in the next few days or weekish depending how the mood takes me. The new Whitecoats will be varnished and based before the weekend and again I need to paint up a Standard for them as well so it's off to do a bit of research.


  1. I liked the flag information as I was not aware, good progress Ian!


    Yes I know through my time in the Kings Guard in the Sealed Knot but also from reading up on it as well


  3. Flags, standards, pennons, Gonfalones..vexilliod or not...I always get confused.
    This site;
    has got loads of stuff...some really good ECW ones ;-D

  4. Nice flags....oops! Standards!!!!

  5. I always worry about getting this sort of thing wrong! Thank you for the pointers.

  6. Thanks for the comments, Paul I will check out the site you recommended.



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