
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Thorakitai Rebased

One of a few of the units Martin gave me that were fully painted from the whole Seleucid army. These needed a bit of touching up and a wash in Sepia Shade from Vallejo. So not a lot of work from me and I get yet another medium foot unit. These will also be able to be used for other armies though in fairness I have quite a few of this type of unit, though you can never have enough. I will also be painting up a bunch as the heavy option as well, though I am not sure these will get much use when I can spend the points on Pike armed rather than Offencive Spear. Maybe with a few more plays of the rules a reason to go down this route will become apparent.

I rather like the Later Seleucid list and think it could be rather strong. It has a high level of missile troops including Skythian horse archers that can be Cavalry or Light Horse and I have enough figures to base them up as both options. If that was not interesting enough I can also have up to 16 bases of medium archers, that's 48 figures and guess what? I have them! In fact I can have a total of 30 bases of light and medium bases of foot bow and 8 bases of mounted bow (equal split of medium (or light) horse and medium camels) which makes them rather dangerous from a distance. I have all the figures (except those two camels LOL) and so will have them in the mix at least a few times.

They will have to wait though just as those poor Companions are having to as I have moved onto working on the new houses, all I can say so far is that they paint up quickly and effectively.  The only thing that slowed me down yesterday was waiting for bits to dry. More work on them tonight and pics in a few days I hope.


  1. Nice to get stuff like that and little to do, nice work Ian!

  2. Very nice and I have to admit I didn’t know Vallejo did shades (poor naive soul that I am), must get some of those!

  3. Yes, somewhat cheaper than GW if you buy the dropper bottles but loads cheaper when you buy it in tub form. But they are not matches to GW. The Sepia is just that, a yellow brown wash and that was supposed to be a match for Devian Mud. I have also tried their flesh wash, it just looks crap in my opinion. If you want to try it I am happy to post it out to you as I can't see me using it again



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