
Saturday 16 June 2012


What a week! I had two games planned, the first fell through as a basing project was set to take way to long whilst the second was provisional on Andy having the time. Shame then that was the best part of the week. Been more than a little bit of a train wreck to be honest. First up my Doc handed over a sick note for 6 months and a diagnosis that I also have M.E., yep Yuppie Flu, I don't even own a car!!!! This means the likely hood of getting back into work anytime soon is errr , well it ain't happening! Explains why I am not getting better though as I need to change a fair few lifestyle things around and work against what I have been doing to get over the original condition, Brill! If that was not bad enough she also handed over new tablets to switch off the part of the brain that takes the signals from the nerves to help me start to sleep for over 2-3 hours at a time. Sounds good(and it is) but try walking when you can hardly feel your legs! Massive side effects and they spill over in to the day a little as I found out when I pitched over on my face in the kids school playground (honest I'm not drunk!!) Well at least it can't get worse, can it? (Marie don't read further!!!!) I have a new nurse to take my once fortnightly pint of blood, well she has done this stuff in Chemo loads but my procedure is slightly different and she was a bit flummoxed, first she forgot to check my blood results and take my blood pressure but then accidentally left the tap on too long and drew about 1 1/4 pints. So much that she had to clean excess blood off the floor LOL. Totally fazed she then took my forgotten blood pressure, yep you guessed it, from the arm she had taken the blood. Re-bleed time and boy did she blush. All said it was not a good visit and obviously I was rather wan after.

The one good thing is that I have managed to get plenty done on my Phalanx with just the varnishing and basing ahead of me. So it's not all bad and at the moment it seems that the only thing I can really concentrate on is painting so again I ask, can I get my figures on the NHS?


  1. Chronic fatigue is a horrible condition to have - I know, having been through it myself (still suffering, but nowhere near as bad as it was) and knowing a number of people who have had it or have got it. The worst part is never knowing when a sudden drop in energy or weakness will occur.

  2. That's what Postie has too, it took the poor sod nearly a month to recover from our trip to Salute.

  3. difficult to understand all what you are enduring (because of the language...) but it seems to be very hard!
    I know how it's difficult to be "half-man" and I wish you to recover your health!
    (the story with the nurse could be very funny in other conditions!)
    If you have the "Hobby" to help you maybe it's a chance!

  4. Sorry to hear of your medical woes. I cant imagine the BP reading would be 'correct' if the nurse has just drwan a pint of blood from you... I think at that time there was little point in checking it...

    At least you have your hobby to immerse yourself in and take your mind off things?

  5. With the family and hobby there for support and continuity things will eventually right themselves, provided of course you get a different nurse!

  6. Ian ,

    Sorry to hear about you current condition, hopefully you'll be feeling better before long.

  7. Thanks guys, I was hoping to come across with some what a humourus side, it is kind of funny living this life. Well it makes me laugh sometimes. I don't think I am anywhere as bad as Postie and now with the new tablets and the 'nap in the day' I hope to be all the better for it. I have been getting worse of late but that's because of pushing it a little but nowhere as bad as I was at my worst!

    Family, friends and hobby have been excellent in keeping things level. Mind you after 6 months fighting the insurance company and still nothing yet those three are needed. I now just need a letter from the Dr to say I am not fit to take up my previous proffesion at this time and I should be sorted but seems I have been her a few times before and they find another question to ask, insurance eh?



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