
Friday 20 July 2012

Baccus Open Day Is Upon Us

As I mentioned a few posts back, Baccus are having a open day and Lee and I have plans to go. Barry also was coming along but through a bit of a mix up on dates was committed to something else. Cath mentioned she would have been interested in the casting side of things so rather than let a place go to waste I was quick to offer her the chance to go see. This is great from the view point that she has been very supportive of my return to the hobby but what if she starts to pay attention to the financial side of things? Now many of you may well be aware that for the last 11months since my return to wargameing I have been set on NOT spending a single penny on this hobby. Er well not true, what I should say is not a single penny of MY OWN! Christmas and Birthday money get thrown in a pot and used to help out. Also I have sold items of my own t help out, such as the armour and some electrical test equipment. However all these funds have been soaked up with paints, brushes sprays and er the odd miniature. I have also been given two armies from rather nice guys and my sniper reminders have kept me honest. So I am rather proud that I can go along to the open day, spend some money and still not have used a single penny of my own.

I also mentioned a few posts back that I planned to paint up a few units of Baccus figures before the big day. I have managed to paint up a pair of Chasseurs Regiments and started work on a foot regiment that whilst not finished will be plenty close as can be seen in the background. I also obviously went through my Baccus bag to see what I need to buy. I still have another five or so regular Regiments of foot and about the same of Grenadiers. I have skirmish elements for three times the number I think. I had the two regiments of Chasseurs and four of Cuirassiers  as well as plenty of Artillery and Generals. I then went over to the Baccus site and checked what comes in the army pack to make sure I was right with what I had left as I had bought the basic army pack and a bunch more stuff back at Derby last October. What surprised me was the quantity of such as the Cuirassiers running at four regiments when the Hussars and Chasseurs only get two and these were the most numerous in the actual armies. I guess it's a sign of the wargames desire to field the flash and not the typical of the period. So I now have my list, a pack of French Chasseurs, Hussars and yet more Infantry. These should keep me going until Christmas and the next hobby related injection.

So roll on tomorrow afternoon, Sunday will also see me at the Baccus Games day in Sheffield, so it's a good weekend for me.


  1. Sounds like a perfect solution and I'm seriously impressed at your restraint with regards to the financial outlay of this most wholesome of hobbies. ;)

  2. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend. The Baccus figures are very nice

  3. Share some pics of the weekend please!


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