
Sunday 1 July 2012

Goodbye June, Hello July

Well June came and went quick. Is it just me or is 2012 rattling along? Must be all the painting and sleeping I am doing. Well no suprise the number of visits was down on last moth given all the pimping I received in May. But I still got 2089 views, far more than any other month. I hope to keep to 2000+ per month from now on. My memebers rose again in June, always a good sign and of course I achived 10,000 hits altogther. June saw a slight drop off in posts with 23, again more than any other month other than May since I started blogging last September. Not that September is that far away and so I must turn my mind to possible prizes come that aniversary. Well it seems rather in vogue at the moment to paint up figures for the great unwashed so that is what I plan to do. Ray has done this recently and so as Tamsin both of which I think have copied me as I had already planned to do this after seeing the Lead Legion give it a whirl. As I will still be a job dogger it will have to be your own figures. The higher the view count and the higher the member count I will increase the number of winners. Not sure how many figures I will do but I am hopeing no one will want any pike painting!!!! LOL. Lets wait till towards the end of August before I put in concrete what numbers I will offer. The idea is that it will be a complete unit of your choice, you just send the figures and any special requests (uniform colours etc.) If this trend continues we could all end up with painted units by each other, which gives me another idea LOL.

Anyway here is a link to Tamsin's giveaway (just don't go for the Panzer HQ ;-)


  1. I've got a 64 figure pike unit that I've put off painting for an age, just think this could be winging its way to you, very soon!! Fingers crossed!!

  2. Excellent progress on the blog Sir! Looks like I'll be sticking my name in yet another hat come September.

  3. Happy July. I agree, this year as flew by so much faster than I thought it would.

    Ray sending you something to paint cracks me up. Will you send him one as well?

    Happy July.

  4. @ Ray Only 64 figures? It's a good job I would be picking the winner LOL

    @ Michael You want to win them all? Congrats on that win, it's a great hobby ain't it?

    @ Happy Only if he lets me LOL

  5. progress , progress , well done. Yep where is 2012 going .... it is truly flying by.


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