
Thursday 19 July 2012

Rebased and Ready

As mentioned in a previous post I have been putting in a fair bit of effort into rebasing my ECW. I now have finished all the Foote regiments and made a start on the cavalry. Just five Regiments of Horse done so far and no guns or dragoons. The bases arrived so I can get these done when I get into doing more basing.

Four Regiments of New Model Foote and part of the original Essex starter army I bought, which was the first proper wargameing figures I bought for myself. Two regiments require new Standards.
Close up of two of the Regiments along with my single Scottish Foote Regiment. These need a Standard as well. The original army came with many of the musket wearing Lobster Pot helmets and all have musket rests, both major errors, such was the knowledge and inaccurate state of play then.

I enjoyed setting them up for photographs, though I look forward to trying out the FoG:R rules a little more. I expect them to flop in regard to ECW which could mean a total write up of a set of rules. I like the idea of a card driven set something like Maurice even though I do not own those rules.

More units either requiring Standards attaching or repainting due to extended Georges. All the figures in the foreground were figures that I have bought pre-painted and for the most part will be the ones that will be sold to buy castings to paint up for a new army.

Close up of my favourite pre-painted unit and the one most likely to remain after selling up the old stuff. Until the rebasing it has always has a high gloss finish. Looks much better with that taken away.

I will be seeing Lee on Saturday and I am sure we will discuss the ECW/TYW project at some point and equally sure we will not come to a conclusion LOL. 10mm is still a possibility but I would have to paint up a few units before committing to such a project.


  1. Very nice Ian, how many more units do you plan to paint up for the period?

  2. I have one more foot in stock as i were. If we stick with 15mm I will replace jst about all the units, so about another 10 to 15 though I would also like to do the NMA so another 12 foot. Allthe horse need replacing, poor sculps and painting being the reasons. The arty is all I am happy with so they just need re-basing. Still have 10+ regiments of horse to re-base and a good number of dragoons.

    If we go to 10mm I will try and paint up every Royalist regiment I can ge the details of. I would also do the New Model as well.


  3. These look nice grouped together. I don't know how you guys go as small as 10mm. I've done one 15mm and thought my eyes would never uncross.

  4. LOL Anne, I am just doing the collors, cuffs and eperlets on some 6mm Nap French right now. Try those for size



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