
Wednesday 5 September 2012

100 Followers, Why Thank You All!

Edit 4. Kickstarter Style. Having now used the Rosemary and Co. brushes for about a month I have decided to upgrade the brush prize to pure Kolinsky Sable series 33. This is in reaction to the blended brushes tips curling a little. I will be only using the series 33 in the future so I won't supply below that quality for other painters. So if you put yourself down for other prizes but not these then throw your hat in for them if you wish. Of course if you have yet to go for this then time is running out as I do the draw in just three days!

Edit 3. Bump the post and add better brush rack pic.

Edit 2. Bumped the Post

Edit 1. Just added a picture of the 54mm casting and added details. So if it rocks your boat throw your hat in the ring. Plenty of time to add your name to the list, all you need to do is leave a post saying what you want, can e one item, the lot or somewhere between.

Well what can I say but thanks to the lot of you. I had a great helping hand when I was pimped by a number of blogs that pushed me from the 60's and I have a feeling Anne's recent plug has helped some with the last four followers, so a big thank you to Anne.

Well I did say I would have a big giveaway once I hit 100 so here it is. You can enter for as many of the prizes as you wish all you need to do is leave a comment in this post stating what you want. No selection will get you entered for all of them. If you also run a blog a shout about this giveaway would also be great (but not essential) if you go for a prize. Obviously whilst I want to say thank you to my followers I also want to attract some new ones so the more attention I get the better.

So first up is the chance to win a unit of your own figures painted by me to the spec you supply. I'm thinking 24 or so 28mm, 48 or so 15mm 100+ 6mm etc. If I don't think I can do you justice I will say. Really just about anything goes but you have to live with the results LOL. Basing will be left to you but I will varnish etc. If you want shield transfers etc.then you would have to supply or I can leave them ready for adding at your leisure.I won't put  a time on it but I would push them to the front.

Second up is half of a Baccus mould. OK it's useless I will keep the other half but the bragging rights is fantastic. I mean how many people own one of these things? I bet even less own half of one LOL.

Third, a 54mm casting from Sarum Soldiers. This is now no longer made, seems they have dropped the detailed military ranges and concentrate on other less detailed ranges. This figure comes with 4 different heads so you can change the regiment. The photo shows the Drummer Boy, British Foot Guards, Waterloo 1815.

Fourth, a selection of Rosemary & Co brushes from the Blended selection, tailored to the scale you paint.

Last up a brush holder that I think is rather neat and whilst picking up one for the winner I will be getting myself one as well. Which I have now don, here it is below.

So this will run till the 8th of September (1 year anniversaryof the blog) and I plan to keep refreshing the post so it pops up at the front of the blog allowing late comers to have a go. Remember to take part you just need to be a member so can have a go even if this is the first time you looked at it, just click follow. Also remember you can select as many items as you wish. Good Luck one and all and I hope you have fun with this.


  1. Just love give aways! So much I will enter all of them! Cheers and congratulations for reaching the 100 mark!

  2. O.K., done a plug.

    The brush stand is VERY useful - had one for a while. It's remarkably sturdy too, which it needs to be in our house!

    Rosemary's brushes are also pretty damned good. I've been doing a comparison of 'budget' brushes over the past few months and I'll bung the observations on my blog. However, in the meantime, you ought to have a look at the own brand range(s) from

  3. Put me down for all of them Ian, Ray said he's not interested....and of course congrats!

  4. Well done on the 100 Followers, very well deserved!!!! A great give away and I'll enter all comps please! Don't take any notice in the ugly Oirshman!

  5. Congrats on reaching 100 followers Ian - very much deserved. Stick me down for all of them :)

  6. Congrats on reaching the ton Ian. Anne is to blame for pointing me in this direction and I am glad she did! I would like to pass on any prize I win to her. Keep up the great work and Happy Blog Birthday.

  7. Congrats on reaching this milestone. Just hit 50 myself. Quite the hard slog to make it happen!

    Will do a plug for you over the weekend, to help promote it more, and in the meantime, wouldn't mind entering in for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes!


  8. Put me down to enter for the 3rd, 4th and 5th prizes!

  9. Great blog, a jolly good read. Nice selection of prizes, put me down for the brushes please (you can never have enough decent brushes).


  10. a nice idea those Give away, but honesty, even if I follow your blog, I can't ask for one! As far as I remember, I've never had let a comment, so congrats for your 100 followers !

  11. Congrats on the 100!
    PS..never heard of the rosemary brushes..I´ll look em up.

  12. Hi Ian, please put me down for the painting and the brushes. And congrats on reaching the 100 mark!

  13. Great blog and great prizes. Congrats on reaching 100! I'll enter all of your prize drawings please. :)

  14. i want in... wait where am i going... this is the line to for cake to celebrate your 100 followers.

  15. Congratulations Ian and thank you for the mention. Now all these look great but I won the last give-away so I'll refrain this time around. I'm almost done with my terrain and it's looking much better. Thanks for your advice!

  16. Well congrats on the 100 followers, it is truly a huge milestone. There's never enough brushes around and I lack a brush holder to so I'd like to compete for these two!

  17. Great milestone Ian.

    Put me down for the brushes!


  18. I live too far away to enter but MUCH CONGRATS on passing 100 Followers.

    Well-deserved and very cool.

  19. well done on the 100 mark!!! and if your willing to post to Waiuku N count me in!

  20. Congrats on the success!

    Put me down for any or all of them! ;-)

  21. Congratulations!
    Very nice prices, and I would like to be on the list for brushes, brush holder and painted figs.


  22. Very kinda giveaways, can I throw my hat in for the brushes and holder and 54mm fig?

  23. Well done Ian 100 does feel like a landmark

    Brushes for me ... sort of obvious really!

  24. Congrats on 100!

    Put me in for the brushes and holder please...

  25. Congratulations on 100. Great work. Put me down for all of them please.

  26. Well done Mr 100 followers.
    Good luck to those that have entered the prize draw.

  27. Wow, thanks for jumping in guys and gels. As long as your on this planet you get to enter the prize draw as I don't ship to Mars as I have missed the postman for there!

    I can see I have a job and a half sorting this lot out and any more that come along. Just loving this so please keep it up


  28. I think I'm number 109 on the followers list. If I'm lucky enough to actual win something I think I would like the paint brushes, I've been burning through mine fairly quick on some 15mm stuff. All the tiny sharp edges really do number on the bristles. Congratulations on the large number of followers.

  29. Congrats, count me in, all great prizes, but you can never have to many brushes.

  30. First up, congratulations! Secondly, wow, great giveaways!

    Enter my name for first place please, I've got some very unique figs that are just *dying* to see the light of day!

    I've got an announcement plug queued up for tomorrow over at Mik's Minis to boot. Rock on!

  31. Very cool of you to do this!
    And congrats on the milestone!
    Enter me for 3rd, 4th & 5th please :) I'm half tempted by the idea of mounting #2 on the wall.. but someday i may need to move to the other side of the planet- and lots of weight will be needing to be left behind.. so I'll resist ;)

  32. Congratulations on the ton! Thanks for running the competition, and please put me down for all of them except the Baccus mould - I think that could go to a better home.


  33. Well this has got plenty of inteest, which is what I want, so come on and join in the fun


  34. What agreat way to get Ian to paint up a6mm Portuguese army for me. Well done on getting so many followers.

  35. @Barry, that would be easy, see picture for a clue LOL


  36. Hi Ian,

    Put me down for the brush holder and the painting service! May be the only way to get some of my 6mm leadpile painted! Congrats on the 100 followers as well.

  37. Congrats on 100 and climbing!

    Brushes and brush holder! So there is something better than just throwing them in a cup, eh?


  38. Nice blog and great giveaway. Put me down for the painted figures; if I win it will be some easy to paint Napoleonic Austrians.

  39. Put me in for the brushes, the brush stand and the drummer

  40. Hi-- me for the painting or the brushes. Desperate for some new brushes.
    Please stop showing pictures of meat on your blog- meat is horrible !!!!!!!

  41. Can I add the half mould too- forgot? Would have added it earlier if I'd been a bit more sharp.

  42. would love the baccus mould but the brush stand would also be excellent, and can never have enough brushes, you just needed to get to the 250 followers so we can have another give away.

  43. @ Barry. I hear you.

    @ Lee. OK your in the mix.

    Just another day for anyone to join in with this then it gets picked on Saturday

    Good Luck all of you


  44. You have to love a site with a giveaway! Keep up the good work...


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