
Thursday 9 August 2012

6mm French Line Infantry x 4

I bought these figures at the Baccus Open Day and painted them up with the last ECW unit shown. It was for these that I forgot to paint the skirmish elements so these were painted up two days ago. It's going to be a bit photo rich as I am a fair bit proud of the results.

These were painting using the new system I was shown recently. The results excluding the wash step are almost the same but the speed of painting is much faster which just can not be bad.

Noticed something different? The units shown so far are all in line rather than column which is the way I had to this point all Baccus bases. I also plan to do a few in square but these will be a bit different again as standard 'at march' do not look right.

All four in a line, well the end one is in column but you know what I mean.

All down the line. Really looking forward to getting these on the table for the next playtest of the rules which I am hoping to get done before the end of the month.

I believe I finished the painting of the figures in four sessions but still think I can bring this down further. Probably a good job as I hope to paint up another 20-30 bases before I am done and possibly far more.

Rear shot, the way I want to see them when I am playing with them. I plan to move to a different scale, well several different scales for the next few units and figures so after the next post you can have a rest from my 6mm.

I have just started work on a special project that will be revealed when it's finished. This will take up a fair bit of my painting time as I want to get it done fairly quickly. Also I have started the 28mm sniper extra large bases, more on that another time. In 15mm I have plenty of figures cleaned up waiting for primer, well one unit is now primed and on the table. Last up I now have ready to paint the 10mm ADC's I promised to paint up so will be doing bits of these when I need a rest. Of course if Lee gets cracking with his ECW I will be jumping back to these to get ahead, I just can't help myself  ;-)


  1. These look fabulous. I really like how they link-up to form a larger unit. What are you using for your basing material?

  2. Thanks Curt, basing is just MDF that I use Meadow Flock from the big train supplies company then add some patches of brown flock , it sinks in so des not stand proud.

    Then I add miniNatur short prairie tufts (that's the shortest available) between 4 and 8 depending on how heavy the clumps are.


  3. Great, thanks Ian. What is the thickness of the MDF? I use 3mm ply from Litko which works fine on the whole but some bases can warp which makes me crazy...

  4. Those are quite amazing Ian, top job!

  5. You have every right to be proud of these Ian. This is a most impressive display.

  6. Very nice Ian, very impressive!

  7. @ Curt, the MDF is 2mm thick, used some really large pieces and slapped on glue etc with no warp at all. I think the same thickness is used for some buildings so it has to stand up to it.

    @ Anne, Fran and Ray Thanks, Cath taking the pics in natural light really helped them stand out.


  8. Wow impressive mate.. thats quite the collection, and they look great lined up like that!

  9. So far I have 9 Baccus bases finished. I have another 5 yet to paint as well as a number of Guard. I also have 30+ units of Irregular but baseed on half bases (same width but half depth) plus around 20+ cavalry on the half bases.

    Then I have same again of Prussians, just need to get them out and played with!


  10. Wow -they are really good.

  11. Great work Ian, you really are turning out some wonderful work at the moment.


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