
Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Other Partizan 2nd September

So in just a little under three weeks it will be Partizan, well the Other Partizan to be exact. In a way it's like my first anniversary back into wargaming. OK I had been painting again for a bit before the show but it was going to the show with Barry that got me back into the swing and looking at building up armies etc. not just painting up what I already had.

As such I will be going if I can swing it and that means placing an order with Peter at Baccus. I want more ECW and I have already mentioned the plans for extending my French Napoleonic Army. I also expect Total Battle Miniatures to be there as well which would mean more houses to be bought. I have plenty of credit in my wargaming pot based on some ASL related sales over the last month or so as well as tree units of ECW in 15mm I ave on e-bay right now with bids in place. I don't see myself looking to buy anything else at the moment as I have plenty of figures to finish off other projects.

Talking of projects, I have a game organised for Thursday and will take the opportunity to have a two player playtest of the rules. This will be the biggest 6mm Napoleonic battle I have tried in years and should either break the rules or supply good information on how they will work out. I am fielding both the Prussian and the French and expect the game to be interesting if nothing else. I will set VP's for different locations or objectives so here is hoping all works out well.

Talking of spending, I needed boxes to carry the figures to battle so nipped to Staples intending to get the usual A4 box files. I spotted some slim ones about half the height of a normal box. These were £5 each. Well I could buy three Foolscap boxes with plastic ends for under £9 which were cheaper or these boxes that were more practical and save on space. Well I bought 4 at £5 and a pack of the three for 15mm figures, well you can never have enough can you?

Still talking about spending, I also have been hanging my nose over the paint stands being sold on e-bay that hold over 80 Vallejo paints (not that I have that many, yet!) I probably will go for it as it will help keep the area tidy, speedup paint selection and help me keep an eye on just what paints and washes and inks and foundations and  er.... well you get the idea, but has anyone else got one?


  1. Storage is becoming a problem for me now. Trying to find a system for storing my materials where I can easily find them is a problem. And that's only going to get worse. I'm going to go out this week and scour the stores looking for something practical and cheap.

    Have fun gaming this week!

  2. I store my paints in a Stanley SortMaster (you've probably seen it in some of my blog posts), with the paints grouped by colour in the different compartments. It's just the right size for Vallejo bottles, although you can't necessarily tell which bottle is which at a glance - eventually I'll probably do what I've seen someone else do, which is to paint the cap with the paint in the bottle.

  3. @Anne. yes storage can be a real issue as the only thing your materials do is grow. I am suprised how many paints I have replaced or about TO AS I have used them up, given that most of them are about a year old or less thats a fair amount of use!

    @ Tamsin. I will look that one up, I hav seen it but not payed 100% atention to it. A drop of paint on each lid is a good idea, I really like the one I saw on e-bay and as I said I have money in the wargames pot. I am still well inside the wargames neutral victory conditions :-)


  4. I ran into the same problem at the beginning of the year, and picked up 2 large racks from MiniaturicuM. You can see a review of them on my blog here - - Good online service, and when they did send me the wrong one, they quickly sent out the replacement parts to go with it.

    Might be having to pick up a third now as my paint collection is getting a bit out of hand, and with the ability to see the paints I have, I am using more interesting colors these days also!

  5. @ MR Lee. Well thanks for the link, checked it out against what I was going to get and yours looks a better deal as I have some GW and Coat d'arms pots which the other stand does not take. So chears mate I just spent some more money LOL


  6. Glad that I could help. As stated, I have 2 of them already, and they are great. And will probably pick up 2 more. My own stadium seats to hold paints!

  7. That's a serious amount of paint you have there, and a lot of space! I have room for two with my currant table layout (I only need the one at present)I am planning on some shelving at some point that could allow for more racks for the less used but I don't see the need for a year or two.

    See how quick I change from not enough paints to fill to in x time...... :-)


  8. Space is questionable at the moment, but yes, I have a "few" paints kicking around.

    But it is a lot better then the dresser drawer I was using for the longest time.

  9. 40+ box folders and counting but the paint storage is interesting!

  10. I've got a few more boxes than Fran, storage is a major problem in this daft hobby of ours!!

  11. @ The Bash Brothers, so how many boxes has Postie got!!!!

    I counted mine up, just 11 in service, three waiting for more but also three old style tool boxes full and a mini tool box with some 6mm still in it as well as two office draws of them!

    Oh and a filing cabinet of ASL plus 12 boxes of counters (Racco storage for the ASL player, yum yum) plus bags of stuff waiting to get painted.

    Looks like I nearly as bad as you LOL


  12. I'm always finding myself thinking about storage solutions especially paint. The only problem is the size of the footprint on the dining room table!


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