
Monday 6 August 2012

Winning Draw, Holiday Fun and Changing Lanes

Prize Draw. OK Tomorrow will see the prize draws done. Just too knacked to even think about it! So last chance to scroll down and try your luck for a painted 6mm ACW Union Regiment or a unpainted 28mm barbarian. Given I now have 95 followers I will be launching the 100 follower giveaway in a few weeks tops.

Holiday Fun. Most of you know were brassic (skint) having been made redundant last year and then being to ill to be allowed to work, well regarding holidays two years ago we had to cancel two weeks away when I became ill and collapsed which was put down to a virus (er errr WRONG!!!) then any chance last year was torpedoed with the job loss so understandably it was not looking good for time away this year. Step in a ASL mate of mine who I have met about six times and play via Skype and VASSL most weeks. You see he was going to be away for  a week and happens to live less than ten miles from the coast so he offered us the use of his house whilst he and his family were away. Now this offer was fairly outstanding as it was and to be fair it rather knocked us sideways. Such a generous offer and we accepted even though Cath was a little bit uncomfortable having never met or even spoke to these people. Well we arrived last Monday and within half an hour it was as if Cath had known them all her life. Both sets of kids enjoyed each others company and it was a shame when they had to go for their flights. I drove them to the airport (got to make sure the buggers cleared off LOL) and the drive back was a little strange. It took a couple of days before we all were calling it home and we have had a ball. I had also had a few offers from other wargaming friends to stay for a week with them, but no other person ever offered up for us to take over the house! I can't think of another hobby that has such warm people in it though there must be some. Anyway whilst the whole week was a blast and lots of new memories have been created for the kids and us I have to say a big THANKS to my mate, his wife and great kids. I hope they get paid back in spades for the joy they have given my family.

Changing Lanes. I took zip to do with wargaming with me. No books, no figures to paint nothing. A total break that lasted till the day before we were coming back. I had finished my novel and wanted something else to read so picked up the latest issue of Wargames Illustrated. Bad move. No BAD MOVE!!! I was steaming along with the French with the idea I would be going in the direction of Russia with my 6mm Napoleonic's but edging my bets with Western European buildings to go along with my already completed Prussians (the idea was to buy Russian Buildings once Matt was ready to play - this is still probable). Now I want to go Peninsular which is Barry's ideal. The thing is, to do so will mean broadening the scene to include a whole lot of nations, mostly fighting for the French. Well it will be on a smaller scale than Russia, but that only helps if I just stick to the Ulcer but I will still carry on with the idea of building for other fronts as well. But in the near future all Naps will be going sunny. More on that as I start to get the figures which will possibly be at Derby in Oct. That was an expensive Mag that's all I can say.


  1. What a fantastic story and I'm so pleased to hear that you all had a good break - finally!

  2. What a friend and good guy, I feel I'm misting up, put me down for a ACW regiment Ian.

  3. What a great offer from your pal!! Hope you had a great time, sounds like a major bad move buying that mag!! he he!

  4. Glad you had a good break and I hope you re-arranged the guys ASL counters while you were there! :) Only way to say thank you!

    I've got a load of very nicely painted 6mm Timecast Russian buildings if you or your mate are interested?


  5. Stunning generosity like that is rare but life affirming. Great story.

  6. Yes it was a very great gesture and we had a ton of fun. Been painting like a demon since getting back though!

    @ Andy, no I left his counters as they are but did burn all his CH stuff to show I am 100% his pal LOL

    Building's not sure I/we can afford them being Timecast and well painted. I assume you will be at Derby? if so you cold send pics and prices and I will send on to Matt to see what he thinks. I don't know if he has any buildings as we have not played in years so not sure where he is at.



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