
Thursday 13 September 2012

Greek Mercenary Thureophoroi Option One.

Field Of Glory often give you the options for some troop types to be Medium or Heavy foot. I have yet really to decide the best option most of the time. The added speed of mediums over the heavier punching power of heavy infantry. I am leaning towards medium infantry, well at least when you can add a little bit of terrain to spoil heavies fun that is. Here though I offer the heavy choice.
These are four figures to the base. Some of you may recognise the figures from an earlier post (6-12 months ago). Well at that time I just had 4 bases of them. I have now doubled them up to 8 bases.
As I could not get the shields the same exact match I have rebased all of them and mixed in the shields gaining a rather nice mix of shield colour. None of these figures have yet seen the table top as I needed the extra figures. The original two packs had been bought from Chariot Miniatures (now  Magister Militum) over twenty years ago!
The newer figures were bought about three months ago and have been prepped and waiting a turn on the desk. When I finally got round to them I dashed them off in a couple of sessions.
Other than the shield fronts I was able to match up all the other colours and so are ready for that first game. That won't be until I have a few more options sorted. The Alexandrian Macedonian army is getting close to being close enough to being finished as I need. I want another 8 base pike block painted up and then it's good to go. I have other options that will also get painted up but for the most part it's ready. It's already legal but for more points I need a few bits more. Not only is this army close to finish it also means I am a good way into my Seleucid army, though that has a few more options that need doing to allow enough different options to make it more fun to play.
Whilst I plan a fair amount of 6mm I will be inserting 15mm units every couple of weeks to keep everything interesting. I also will get cleaned up the last of my 20mm Numidian figures and get this army ready to fight.


  1. I really do like those! The striping of the helmet plume is great!

  2. very nice indeed.

    How did you do the skin?

  3. Nice work Ian! I'm sure I've got a unit or two of these???

  4. Thanks guys, they were fairly quick to paint up which always adds to the attraction.

    @ Seb. I used Vallejo Medium Flesh (70860) and then Vallejo Umber Shade (73203) Wash (all over the figure not just flesh). Normally I appy a bit thicker on the skin to get a darker more meditrainian skin finish.


  5. I like these guys with their shields as I've not seen shields like this before. Nicely painted as well Ian!

  6. Very nice solid looking unit - I like the helmet crests.

  7. @ Anne

    very simple to do those shields. Just paint slightly lighter than you want them to end up and add a slightly heavy handed wash of either brown ink or a wash sush as Vallejo. Umber to go darker brown or Sepia for a more gentle finish. It's a bit of a cheat really ;-)



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