
Saturday 15 September 2012

Greek Mercenary Thureophoroi Option Two

Again I had already painted up some of these troops, indeed most of them as I had painted up two packs (16 figs) but based just the 15 as Medium Infantry just use three per base. So out of this unit only another eight figures needed painting.

It was easy to paint up these figures as I just used base colours originally so no colour matching required. Here is the full unit in all it's glory with the new guys as part of the front rank.
The new figures all have the same mold line running down their faces as my original figures from way back. This is a real shame as the figure itself is a nice pose and useful.
I used the new GW wash, Agrax Earthshade which married up to the original well enough.Here you can see it has picked out the detail and the rear rank was done I think with Devlan Mud but could have been AP Strong Tone. It's been a year since I painted up the originals.
So whilst I used two different figures I now have options for both Medium and Heavy, as well as using both for different roles on in the same game. My intention was to paint them up different, both as different figures and colours. It's taken me an age to complete them but happy that I have finally got them off the table.


  1. I have no experience in this area yet, but I can't imagine that it would be easy to go back and match up something you'd done so long ago.

    Nicely done Ian!

  2. Shame about the lines on theier faces but you could name the unit "The Sloths" as they look like the thing out of The Goonies!

  3. Lovely looking unit Ian. As Ray says, shame about the mold line but there's not much you can do about that :(

  4. THe sloths? Ray, I would have thought of Elephant men unit. Hmmm, I guess they would then be more dangerous during the impact phase ;)

  5. Shame about the mold line. Still they look fine en-masse. Nice job.

  6. Love the sculpts of the helmets and the great paintjob too!

  7. Thanks all, I would go with the elephant men as at leat it's got relavance. Mind you leppers seems about right as well!



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