
Wednesday 26 September 2012

Jager Finished and Photograghed

Better pictures of the Jager for Tim. I will be posting them out tomorrow as yesterday and today have been taken up with lots of other stuff. I plan to box them up tonight and take them to the PO on the way to the hospital for my fortnightly vamp session (I have about a pint removed every two weeks). Typically after said session I don't due much for the following few days but I have just finished basing up a few bits and got a game in last night that I will do the AAR tomorrow for. Really this week has been almost a wash for painting with my sisters and wife's birthdays over the last three days and what with all the other stuff it's been a slow week. However I have this afternoon and this evening to at least get something done. Onto the pics.
Not fantastic pics as the flash has bleached the colours but I hope when Tim puts (or if) them on his Blog he will have better light to work with. The rain here is so constant that it has not got above dull in days. Again the sculps really allows you to go to town on the shading.
This shot was without the flash but with the daylight lamp so gives a better idea of colour. I will be boxing these figures up so as to make sure they have a good chance of arriving without paint being knocked off them, the bane of plastics. I have to confess to being rather happy with the giveaway prize and I think Tamsin who also has painted items in here recent giveaway would agree it is kind of special to know something you have painted will be part of another gamers collection.
Other news I received some buildings from Angle Barracks yesterday. These are Total Battle Miniatures as per previous posts. Looks like Angel B are selling off their stock as they have knocked a nice bit off the buildings. £3 buildings for £2.25 and more off the more expensive ones. Barry and me did a split on this order but unfortunately many were low on stock, so if you want to grab a bargain in the UK dash over to them.


  1. Nice work - the yellow and green look well. You must be a particularly generous chap to give that much so regularly.

  2. I definitely agree that it's pleasing to think that figures I've painted are going to be in someone else's collection and used for games. the only downside for me is that it's delayed my own painting! ;)

    the Jagers look great.

  3. I love them Ian, thankyou! They'll be based and blogged probably the weekend after next, as I'm at uni, and my paints are still at my parents

  4. I often do shots without a flash as well. It's fun to try out different ways to photograph.

    Well done :-)

  5. Damn nice work Ian, the weather has been fecking shocking lately!

  6. Lovely work Ian, great colour scheme too.

  7. Great work Ian, they do look nice.

  8. I really like the green on these Ian. Wishing you the best for the next couple of days. Rest and you'll bounce back and be painting in no time!

  9. @ Conrad, well not THAT generous, as Tim supplied the figures and most of the give away stuff has been in my ownership already. 100 followers was (and still is) a big thing, now I have 130 and obviously really chuffed. I guess I will do something simular on 250 if I get that far.

    @ Tamsin, yes you have a deadline, I assume you are about sorted for Derby?

    @ Tim, you mean you packed cloths over paints, are you sure you take this seariously? Well you gave me your Uni address so you must do. Should be with you tomorrow or Saturday

    @ Spooky, Cath took the pics, she is the wiz. Pics of food are so more difficult to get right though as the profesionals cheat like mad.

    @ Anne, The colours were ditated by Osprey and well history. Though I did choose the Jager Regiment as they had the yellow on top of their fluffy bits on thir hats.

    @ the rest. Thanks for the compliments, now moved back to 15mm for a bit of what I know


  10. I was actually thinking about the blood, I've never heard of anyone giving so much. Well done Sir.

  11. @ Conrad, oh I see. am afraid it's not quite like that. In the UK you can only give thee times a year. I have to have the blood removed as I have a condition that extracts all the iron out of my diet. Most people who have it (Heamochromatosis) actually extract the sam or slightly higher than other people bu all ofus do it all he time. 'Normal' folk only extract the iron when iron levels drop and it's about 5% max of the iron you eat. I extract far greater and the only way to ge rid of it is in the making of blood. Once they get me down to the normal level (40ish) currently 500+ I will go onto maintenance which normally is 4-0 months between sessions, mine is expected monthly!! Unfortunatly the blood is incinerated which s a double shame as I am O- which can be used for anyone. Nothing else is wrong with my blood and would be excellent for enimic's so it hacks me off. I'm struggling abit at the mo as every two weeks is brutal and leaves you very tired and already I am tired as th bad weather brings a lot of joint paint (also down to the condition) plus I have some level of serocious of th liver due to iron overload but won't know how searios till they get the iron levels down for the biopsey, so it's a bit of a no win jb at the moment. Painting is one of te few things that don't hurt (typing does LOL) so getting figures to paint is great for me. If I run low on my own I will be offering a painting service tat I get paid in figures not money. But for now I have plenty thanks to a couple of friends handingover figures they no longer want.

    Sorry just fancied the long answer LOL


  12. Good Lord, sorry to hear about that old chap.


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