
Tuesday 2 October 2012

Ancient Tanks Sighted

I got six 15mm Elephants as part of the Seleucid army from Martin. One was finished, another had the elephant mostly finished  with the crew still in the packet whilst the other four had the skin painted on the beasts but with damage to the paint job so  stripped them back and started again. Martin did an excellent paint job on the elephants rugs which I did not even try and copy!

All models are Chariot Miniatures or Magister Militum as they are now known. I have just showed the five I have worked on. I did rush them a little as I wanted them all done so as to have them up and running for future games. In a few cases the pikes were either already broken or broke during the clean up stage. These have wire replacements from pikes from the same army.

I wanted them to look individual so each has a different colour scheme. I also added a couple of escorts amongst them just for a bit of character. One is a very old sample I don't really remember getting, the other was a single figure that has been lying around for years.
This elephant and escort are all my work. Honestly it's the escort that is really the main reason for the picture and the two that follow.
The casts had little flash on them and I have to admit I cheated with the elephant as all I did was prime it white and wash it in GW Nuln Oil which is a black wash.
Close up of the escort, very basic paint job but I wanted him to stand out a bit so I added a chequer pattern to his cloak. I resisted the urge to join up all the lines and was rewarded with a better result.


  1. nothing like war elephants to make me want to make a 15mm historical army! very nice elephants :)

  2. Great looking unit. Always liked to see ellie's smashing up an opponents army

  3. Fantastic paint , really good colors , congratulation .

  4. Brilliant. I am really getting antsy to paint some elephants for my Carthaginians after seeing these!

  5. Where´s my Panzerfaust? :-D
    Great looking neles

  6. Lovely work, got to love a war elephant!

  7. funny how a nellie gets the cmments coming in, what would be nice is a chance for ME to use all these new painted units. So far it's been Andy Matt and Barry who have had the use of them. I on the other hand get to play with my rather old Persian Army. At least now I can face off against Lee with them! Lee, want a game?


  8. I really, really like these Ian. Great job of painting up these guys too.

    Now I have to find some reason to justify buying some for myself!

  9. @ Anne. I have a couple of spare plastic nellies with the a tower on the back and crew in 20mm. If you want them drop me your address again and I can get them out to you.



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