
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Calling All Santa's and something for every one else.

OK all of you who got your details to me should by now have received an e-mail from Cath to let you know who is your target. If not leave a message and I will get her to try you again. Unfortunately I did not get the details of Donogh McCathy beyond an e-mail address which I tried contacting through but seems we are missing each other. Time being what it is I had to move on. Hopefully next year I will get all sorted a bit earlier and have even more taking part.
I advise anyone who wants to have a wish list to add it as an extra page on their blog or make a post to the effect. I may well do this but I am open to anything. Figures is the obvious choice but I advise thinking out of the box as well. Half the fun is picking something that they will love. Again lots of thanks to Cath for taking over the running of this so I could join in.
Now try and be god boys and not open the gifts before the day. If SS is put between your first and last name then you have no excuses LOL.

Players and blogs as per request
Conrad Kinch blog is Joy and Forgetfulness
Andy Mc blog Another Slight Diversion
Tim C blog Fidus et Audax
Jonathan J blog The Inevitable Spark
Phil B blog The Wargames Site
Jason B blog Dartfrogs Adventures in 6mm
Mike W blog Trouble At T'Mill
Thorsteinn E blog Dorsten A Heioini
Phil H blog Diary of a gaming Magpie
Prepping Figures, We Hates It Precious!
I have finished the figures for Andy, all 268 of them! looking at them on my table ready to be wrapped up and sent back to him it really does not look a lot but those 6mm figures have been almost all the painting  have done for over a week! No though it's prepping the next lot so again it looks like no actual painting today. But I have done a marathon prepping session that comprises of
48 Pike for my Alexandrian armies.
5 regiments of Neapolitan 6mm Regiments that will rival the Spanish for poor performance.
Four Guns and Limbers to go with those crew, two will be Horse the other two foot.
A regiment of French Lancers I bought from Adler.
These should keep me busy for a few weeks by themselves but I also have to prep some more 28mm Sniper Reminders as I finally get round to doing the bases.
Still after the figures for Andy it should be a stroll in the park ;-)


  1. Mr Kinch posted on my blog that it would have been useful to know the blog of the person selected - so a list to that effect might help.

    I've tracked down the person I'm buying for and have followed your advice. I was going to buy some figures but I applied a bit of creative thinking and have come up with (hopefully) a doozy!

  2. looking forward to see some of these figs painted up.

  3. @ Phil added a blog list as you recommended, glad to hear you think you have a great present for your target (I only know my target)

    @ Ray, well you will have to wait for Andy's figs till he has based them and posted on his blog. My stuff well maybe a day or three


  4. Happy Christmas to those on Santa's Secret List. This is a nice and thoughtful thing to do for the holiday Ian!

  5. A thought just occurred to me, maybe participants should list some local shops that their secret Santa could ship from. When I first started with historical miniatures it took me some time to track down stores that sold what I wanted and even then I only have two around me.


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