
Friday 9 November 2012

Adler French Lancers

Sorry it's another 6mm post. Bought these figures at The World Championships at Donnington a couple of months ago and was keen to paint them up to see how Adler cavalry paint up. I already have 5 regiments of Lancers but they are Irregular and will have to be replaced at some point.
Like the infantry these needed cleaning up and flash removing but it was not too bad, just not used to having to do this in 6mm as Baccus for the most part don't require more than a base clean up.
This is the 7e Regiment and as such wear a dark blue uniform with yellow facings and turnbacks (I must be going through my yellow phase).
They were great figures to paint and the detail is just stunning. Stirrup straps I am used to but the stirrups themselves? Also the swords have well detailed handles that show the two component parts, unreadable! I found them rather easy to paint but again a slower prospect as so much detail will slow anyone down if they paint it. All future cavalry I buy will be Adler as they are a good scale.
 You get two slightly different posed figures of the Lancer. One he he leaning into the charge and the other is slightly more erect. The tips of the pennants cross over on one figure and straight on the other, as I said above the detail is fantastic. I also got a trumpeter and a standard bearer!

Talking of which I had to go looking for French cavalry flags and finally found one for 28mm figs and shrank it to fit. (I will when I have more time do a post on the site).
Saying the buggers small is an understatement and for once I was happy to leave the flag straight! The only issue is that the pole is attached to the side of the bearers head forcing me to glue it to the side of the pole but it looks fine.

As a size comparison the Adler work well with the Baccus foot so it's no issue to use both in my armies. I look forward to buying more Adler cavalry in the future. First though I need to get through some more of the infantry I have in hand.

OK that's it till probably Monday when I hope to post my AAR of the Wargames Holiday Centre battle that we start later today. We get about three hours in today which I assume is allocating troops, getting to know each other and maybe a turn or two? Then it's all day Saturday and a good part of Sunday. I just hope I have some troops left at the end of the weekend.


  1. My gosh, how do your eyes not hurt? Those flags are tiny tiny.

  2. Learning to paint 15mm horses was difficult for me. I can't imagine 6mm. And thank you for showing us the flag on your fingertip, it helps me to know just how really small your getting your detail. Have a lovely weekend Ian!

  3. 6mm are tiny! Those are awesome though! Nice job!

  4. Gorgeous and those flags are so 'ickle'!

  5. I finally relented and ordered a 6mm Napoleonic Army, i think mostly because of you're awesome minis here.

  6. They do look very nice Ian, well done!

  7. Great work Ian. Don't know how you can get such an excellent result from something so small. Very well done.


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