
Wednesday 28 November 2012

And Now Something A Little Bit Bigger

Ok, OK, I know I have been blathering about 6mm rather a lot recently and have promised something a tad larger. Well for the long suffering amongst you here is a taster post. I have had various bits and bobs for this project for some time but was lacking the figures and the guts till now. This is the first two of the Deluxe Sniper Reminders that will have a lot more detail on them. My task was to reproduce the Journal Eight cover, see image below. First up the nearest figure I could find was not carrying a carbine, instead he has a BAR, not much difference thee then!
I am only putting the one figure on the base as it would start to look crowded, beside I don't think anyone does a figure to match the image and that would be important. So as to give a full 3D effect I want to do the corner of the building with the actual figure towards the edge of the base. This means  will also be including some interior work as well. This is going to be a bit of a large job really but a fun challenge.

The picture above is the majority of the bits for the project. I have the American for the cover, the German for a second base, Linka Moulds that will make up the pavement and even though the scale is wrong it will also be used for the chipped walls. Windows from Warbases. I have a thin sheet of balsa for the floorboards and other structures. Chippings for the road and other effects. The barbed wire is more for another project so unlikely to be used.  I am really looking forward to this and will work on the base before the figure. Though the figure needs removing from his base and pinning ready to be stuck to the base. I will drill the holes but not pin till after finishing painting the figures up.
The German base I hope will be far more adventurous, I know what I want to do but not sure I have the skill to do it and do it well enough to get over to America as it's for a mate Stateside.
I will post work in progress shots so you can see how it is coming along real time. Expect lots of swearing and a little bit of humour, hoping for the other way round but I'm realistic.


  1. Excellent! I am really looking forward to seeing more of these!

  2. Great stuff - keep up the good work!

  3. I have really come to appreciate the 6mm since following you Ian. This project looks really interesting. One day I hope to get into making terrain with molds. A useful skill to have.

  4. @ Jonathan, I'm looking forward to the challenge, Cath has given permision for me to raid her card as well.

    @ Monty, will have a play with the plaster tomorrow when I am all alone, pike are close to that pain in thebott detail work so I will want to have a few breaks.

    @ Anne, these tough are 28mm, though I will be using a 6mm in the finished model, can you guess what for? The terrain is strictly for base only, it's not a large area 6-6cm square (ish) all the other bases have been rural, though the jungle ones were a stretch for me.


  5. Definitely an interesting one, bring it on.....

  6. Now this looks seriously exciting; we want more!

  7. excellent stuff Ian, looking forward to seeing the results

  8. Well I have made great progress with he Pike, these will be finished tomorrow from a point of painting but will still need the bases doing so early next week I expect to have those up on the blog. So the day to my self has been pushed back till tomorrow (just had this morning) so I hope to get the walls cast at some point tomorrow and hope to get the road started. I also plan t get the figures cleaned up so not much to show you for a few days.



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