
Sunday 16 December 2012

For Sale Page

For anyone interested I have added a For Sale page to my blog. Mostly it will be Citadel figures rather than putting them on E-Bay though I plan to add any other figures that are surplus. The idea is that it will clear unwanted lead and convert it into wanted lead. I am happy to talk swaps if you have something you think I might be interested in, in exchange. I have rather a lot so keep checking if you are interested in GW figures from the mid 80's through early 90's. When I have other figures on offer I will post information in the main part of the zine.
No progress to report on the prepping for the painting challenge as I spent most of yesterday either getting fish and plants for the kids tanks or adding said items with the kids or watching them. Then I had a ASL game planned for last night which was cut short by a power cut. I hope to get something done this afternoon but it won't be much.


  1. I'd be interested in the Inquisitor - if he's still going...

  2. A great addition and anything that helps keep the hobby on a neutral footing has to be a sound idea.

  3. @ Conrad, yes it is still available. I will reserve it for you and get in touch

    @ Michael, I manage to keep my wargaming at a stricktly no cost via the sale of bits and bobs. Though this last four months I have used most of the funds to pay for such as Christmas presentsso it will be nice to be able to add some back to the kitty



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