
Thursday 6 December 2012

I just had to share.

I'm fairly sure this will be a photoshop job but it still made me laugh. However it does bring around the thoughts of that special day. Hopefully by now all the Secret Santa's are all sorted. I have mine all planned out and will arrive in plenty of time and looking forward to see what the recipient thinks about it. In fact it's been a blast getting all this together and will probably be the most fun time for buying I have had for this years presents.
I have also been working on one of the figures I got off the block, you know the old Citadel stuff. I have been busy this last few days stripping paint off figures using some of the time tested methods available and it's horrific what some of the stuff can do. I AM washing MY hands before using the toilet I can tell you. However got nothing done today as I no sooner got back from hospital than I had to turn round, pick up my Mum from the local town centre and spend the afternoon in casualty. One broken wrist later. I have to admit we wee not their as long as expected, about 4 hours and that included two x-rays, one pre-cast and one post as it's the worst kind of break (of course). Back tomorrow at the fracture clinic so don't expect much progress reported. On the bright side this is before the start of the painting challenge or my Mum may well still be waiting for me to pick her up!
I just may get round to starting some of the buildings I have been holding on to towards the weekend and I have cast the pavement and walls for the special sniper reminder base, yet to place them on the base to check how they sit but I have started.
Well That's it, not quite the post I was expecting as I had planned to finish the figure. Maybe I will finish it tonight.


  1. Very sorry to hear about your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you old chap.

  2. Yep! make sure you wash your hands! I'm still traumatised now.....

  3. Oh I am sorry to hear about Mum, but I just love the photograph; thank you for sharing it.

  4. Brillaint photo - proper LOL moment!

  5. Commiserations to your Mum- someone will have to cook her Christmas dinner for her and give her a rest!

  6. Sorry about your mum. But a great photo. We've got one of those houses a couple of streets away...twat!

  7. Sorry about your Mum, I've seen this picture with other words too!

  8. Sorry for your Mum Ian and I hope she's not in too much pain and that they fix it up correctly.

    I love that picture! Wish I could do that to my neighbor!

  9. Thanks for all the well wishes, hopefully she escaped the need for a opp. Will know end of next week.

    @ Ray, the whole house smells of the stuff, no wonder you did it at work!!!

    @ Fran, proves my theory about it being too good to be true but still makes me smile.

    @ Anne, best not do that in practice, it often offends!! She's fairly comfortable thanks though the exercise she has to do was making her grit her teeth. She is learnng to hit me with her left hand though!! But in my defence at this time a year haveing a consultant called Dr Aladin deserves funny comments, don't it girls and boys.......



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