
Monday 10 December 2012

Prep work and Painting Progress

With the Painting Challenge now only ten days away I am glad to say that I have the first few units all prepped and ready to be pulled out. Looking at the photo of them it suddenly looks not that big of a pile. It won't get much bigger either as I intend to continue painting right up to the start.
I tried purple undercoat for some figures and have been rather happy with the results for things like horses that seem to benefit from the purple. White and light coloured horses not included. These get the traditional whit undercoat. Also in the box are a few elephants and crew. Back on the painting desk is the infantry that will be added to the elephant bases. These are fully painted so will not count towards the Challenge. Also included is the 28mm WWII figures, two have had their bases removed as they will be pinned in place. I have cast the pavement and walls but that is as far as this project as got so far.
Curt wants us to set personal targets for the contest. Well I wanted to beat last year so decided to add 20% to last years figure. That was without checking what was last years end figure!! Well after checking and finding it was 900 points I started to sweat a little. Oh well I am tidying the figure up a bit and going for 1200 points as 1080 is a bit odd and 1100 seems a silly number. Given that most of the figures will be 6mm and 15mm I have a lot of painting to get that target reached, but it would not be a challenge without stretching oneself would it? I also want to finish in the top ten and to do that I think I will have to knock out far more than 1200 so lets see if I get either of the self imposed targets.
I also have got much of the basics done on my sons figure. The kilt and shield being the two most detailed parts to yet be painted. This will be done in the next few days as I also need to get on with the older sisters giraffes which at this moment only have a base coat and some very ugly English uniform brown for the patches. The good news is this gets mostly painted over!!
As you can see plenty of work to be done but I hope to get some quality time on the figures later in the week.


  1. I have been trying different undercoats find it speeds up some figures well. Looking forward to following your progress I think I may set myself 1000 points that should push me.
    Peace James
    Exiles Painting

  2. Good luck Ian. I'll show you my pile that will turn your hair white.

  3. Wow that sounds like a big total and I wish you all the best with it. Love the purple undercoat too.

  4. Purple undercoat for the horses, that's different?

  5. Good luck Ian, I see a boatload of points there just awaiting a lick of paint. You target puts mine to shame!

  6. @ James, good luck with your target, it's best to fall short of a good target than sail past an easy one. Mind you it's even better to make that target.

    @ Jonathan, back at you ;-)

    @ Phil, well that's what I have prepped ready, I have thousands more that are sitting waiting such finery

    @ Michael, well it's really the first few weeks I hope, I have a lot more on top of that and have not sat dow to work out how many points it would score.

    @ Ray, well when I paint on the brown it looks more full than when I undercoat with white and seems to give a bit more depth. Anyway I have seven cns of the stuff so it has to work!!!!!

    @ Scott, thanks, your target is not small figure but where you have limited time I at this point have a lot more time and whilst I am starting some volentry work after Christmas I am not cleared to work by the Doc and it may well be I relapse in which case I will have plenty of time to paint but not able !!! The word volentry is ironic in that if I don't I hve my benefit stopped and no they do not take in account Doctors orders. The laugh is as soon as I manage doing this work they put me back on job seakers and again pass me as fit. Whilst its the same money if I fail to comply due to illness they can and will reduce benefit!! At least it cuts thebenefit bill.


  7. 1200 points is a great target Ian and I'm sure you'll be able to pull it off.

  8. @ Curt, well one month in I will look at where I am an possibly upgrade it if it looks within easy reach. If I am slipping behind I will just have to try harder LOL



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