
Tuesday 25 December 2012

Secret Santa Revealed

Happy Christmas to one and all and a big THANK YOU to my secret Santa. I was a good boy and waited till the big day before opening up my present. As you can see I have been spoiled with some of the excellent Baccus figures. Indeed these will jump forward in my to paint list. With this reinforcement I will have 20 guns all Baccus which means the tiny Irregular can be put out to grass. Even better four of the twelve guns are howitzers just what I had started to hang my nose over. Indeed I have been blessed. I also have a further four limbers to help move around my horse artillery. Now if only I could get all these painted up for Friday along with the cavalry I have on the go at the moment,  could really give Lee a pasting  ;-)

So again Thanks you to my Secret Santa and indeed a big thank you to all who joined in this years SS I hope you all will join me again next year.
Cath and I was talking whilst clearing the decks for the festive clutter. Cath brought u the advent calenders, anyone remember the ones that had little pictures behind them instead of chocolate? Now fast forward to today's, even the little pictures behind the pressed plastic have gone. The front cover now shows Disney Princess or Spider Man. At least the shaped chocolate is there to remind us of Christmas, right? Er wrong, well in case of Spider Man, the strangest symbol of Commercial Christmas had to be two toadstools, next up was a horseshoe. I know I preferred the Choc ones but now Cath has mentioned it, I do miss that little bit of Christmas every morning. Now, it's just a chocolate and off to school.
This kind of underlines the whole Secret Santa for me. Sure I was really excited opening that special package that was chosen by another wargamer just for me but at the same time I was also hoping that my target was having just as much fun as I had selecting his items. I sure hope so.
I also took the opportunity of paying it forward as Cath would say. I added a second target to share the fun just because I knew they would be chuffed and selecting bits from my mountain to give them was rather enjoyable and wondering the response to a few of the bits left me in a positively good mood. Glad to say I hit the target and they have gone down well. Now I can sit back after stuffing myself silly and bask in the warm glow of contentment. We are having our Christmas meal later today over at my Mums. Cath the saint that she is offered to redeploy our whole Christmas meal and there after over there after my Mum broke her wrist and is unable to put something together. It will be the first group Christmas I have had in so many years and I am rather looking forward to it, especially as Mum has not got a TV (not had one for about 30 odd years).
Well I hope you all have as good a day as mine and see you on the other side.


  1. Seasos greeting Ian , all sounds good. Well done to Cath for making christmas as well!

  2. Merry Christmas there and I hope that you and Cath have the most wondereful day

  3. Ian, Secret Santa has been a great success. I think it will be even bigger next year. Delighted with my Secret Santa and I hope my recipient likes theirs. Hope you're having a great Crimbo.

  4. What a fabulous result; all the very best to you and Cath.

  5. Happy Christmas Ian, thanks once more to yourself and Cath for organising us.

  6. When I get back to blogging again I will reveal my Super Duper Secret Santa!!!

    The best wishes of all to you Ian!

  7. Have a Merry Christmas Ian. Thank you for running the SS and send all my best wishes to your family.

  8. Merry Christmas Ian. Again, great idea with the Secret Santa. I moved my surprise to the front of the painting cue for the month. It was perfect. From the look of things, the biggest winner appears to be Peter Berry

  9. @ Dave, Seasons greetings to you too Dave. Yes Cath has loved following the blogs and comments here. She is jumping for next years to start ;-)

    @ PanzerKaput, we did thanks nd hope you also had a great time

    @ Phil, I agree on all points, it was a very good day. I fell asleep twice after not getting much sleep due to child #1 beng up 'a few' times strating at 12.20!!! but other than that all worked out well. Hope you had a smashing time too

    @ Michael, Best to you and yours too. I think the buzz from this will run for a few weeks and I hope next year it's a lot bigger. With how much fun it's been it should get good press next year.

    @ Phyllion, well thanks to Cath really for taking it over which allowed me to get involved more. I like several others have written got a bigger kick out of getting the right package for our targets. That's not to say I did not have a blast opening mine and getting the perfect present, which I am still buzzing over

    @ Anne, glad your still beeming, that's what it's all about.

    @ Thorsteinn, same to you, glad it was fun for you as well,

    @ Dartfrog, it was a pleasure and from looking at the posts I think you are right. Mr Baccus has done rather well out of it, word is that Igor was given one of the customer choc biscuits in payment for the extra work he had to do ;-)

    @ Happy, Merry Christmas to you too. In a lot of ways I like today (Boxing Day) the most as everyone finally has time to settle into their gifts and the kids get to play with their toys



  10. Ian: Result!, and thank you so much for organising this.

    Nice to see your giver is evidently telepathic - so, it appears, was mine, as I hadn't mentioned I was planning on running the sea-borne raid scenario for Dux Brit soon, and now I have a longship :D :D

  11. @ Mike, I had/having a lot of fun with this years SS.

    Indeed, to such an extent I was not even aware I was thinking about the howitzers until a day or so before the big day. I really like your present and look forward to seeing you put it all together. I have seen a finished model of it and it looks excellent



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