
Saturday 22 December 2012

Total Battle Miniatures 6mm Buildings

The more observant may have spotted a couple of new building in the AAR from yesterday. So I guess it's about time to bring them out into the open. Both buildings can be used for my ECW 6mm army and also European Napoleonic battles, so I can get good use out of them.
I have a number of reasons to really like this building, first up I made it rather striking and I achieved exactly what I was aiming at. Second, it reminds me of a building in Axbridge were we stayed on Holiday this year. I will be buying a few more of these this year, probably at Triples as I know they are at that convention. At the same time I may just spring for the fortified town tile that I had seen at last years Triples.
I really can see three or four in a row looking just the thing on the table. Not that I am now short of buildings either for the ECW or Napoleonic battlefields. The weathering on the food I feel worked. I also washed the windows on all the buildings with blue ink hoping for a glass effect but this did not come off so back to the drawing board.
I already owned one of these buildings and it was the first building I finished that time. This one I have improved the thatch a little, not that I want all the thatch to look the same anyway. All the thatched houses around where I live are totally different in looks based on a mix of how long it has been in place and where exactly it is located. I also used a different ink on the plaster again so I had a point of difference.

Here we have the two new buildings side by side to give an idea how they look together. I really hope that Total Battle Miniatures continue to expand this range. Just to the right you can see some of the 20mm cavalry I have been working on today. More on these in a few days time after they have been submitted to Curt.
I still need a windmill, TBM do a Spanish one but no one seems to do one suitable for other areas, hint hint. Tomorrow will see my first submission to the painting challenge, I have nearly finished my second and I need the third submission towards the end of next week so I had better get cracking.


  1. I used to own a 6mm Baccus windmill, give them a look! But looking at their site it seems to have disappeared!

  2. They look good enough to eat. Seriously, they look so good, like they were baked and created out of food.

  3. great work... I am off to read the AAR as I seem to have missed it... great looking looking buildings

  4. Fabulous Ian, can't believe that they are so small - amazing detail.

  5. Really interesting buildings. For my 6mm Napoleonics... ;-)

    And Merry Christmas :-)


  6. @ Ray, yes the Baccus windmill would be perfect, Peter sold the range to someone who then hadpersonal problems and the range has never been release since.

    @ Happy, from a foodie I will take that as compliment ;-)

    @ Gowan, yes I posted one post in the evening the next the following morning so easy to miss

    @ Andrew, seems Angle Barracks no longer do buildings except for Si-Fi which is a shame. I bought these two from AB when they were clearing out the ranges.

    @ PanzerKaput, Thanks, I got a lot out of these, more I think tan I put in, if you know what I mean.

    @Michael, Yes the detail on TBM is great, one of the small buildings has the recess that would hold the boot scraper to remove mud. I was really surpised to see that.

    @ Marzio, yes it works well for that period. Have a Merry Christmas your self


  7. Irregular Miniatures do a few 6mm windmills.

  8. Irregular Miniatures do a few 6mm windmills.

  9. Irregular Miniatures do a few 6mm windmills.


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