
Tuesday 1 January 2013

2012 A Blogging Year

I know we have loads of these, so much so I will be brief.
I have good reason to be happy as last year was the best one for my blog. Between give aways and pimping by other blogs I managed to gain a large number of followers and exposure to new bloggers. On the whole I have had more hits month on month with December pushing the hits over 4,000 in a single month. 4139 to be exact and up over 300 to the month before.
I hit 100 followers about six months ago and in December went up to 150 which while it went unmentioned at the time I did notice and was chuffed to bits. I just wanted to wait till today's post to gush about it. So thank you one and all for following, with special thanks to those that comment as it really does motivate.
Talking of hits December also saw the blog pass 30,000 hits with an average of just over 130 views a day in December. I get a lot of hits via Google searchers, I have to wonder what some of those searchers think when they stumble over this LOL.
So I guess I will finish with the top ten visited posts.
1. Twin Daylight Lamp Review.
Gets a few hits every week and yesterday was the latest comment, I am glad that the post will help connect hobbyists with such a cheap quality lamp.
2. Weekend Post.
A post that is not wargames related and I am sure subject to Team Google.
3. Twenty Questions.
Ray and Fran's influence reaches out far, this post seems to be getting more hits recently and I think it could push for first next year if it keeps up. Thanks guys, you are a bit freaky but thanks  ;-)
4. 100 Follower post.
Used to be at the top but slowly dropping as it still gets a few hits a week.
5. Paint Rack Review.
Again this ticks over and like the Lamp Review I hope readers benefit from the info given.
6. Kings Lifeguard of Foot.
I painted up a 6mm regiment and until just a few weeks ago this was sitting in 5th place. I am rather glad it's the highest placed painted figure post.
7. Leven Miniatures Review.
The fairly recent post covering these rather nice great value buildings. This was a straight received in the post review. Since then I have painted up all of them and those posts also have had a good number of views. For me Leven is the best new find of lst year and I know I am not on my own in this.
8. 6mm Baccus ACW on E-Bay is the surprise entry in the list given it was only posted in November. I plan to paint some more of these up this year, maybe doing some Confederate. This will help with the Wargames Neutral.
9. Terribly Obscure Wars and Battles.
Again I am rather pleased that one of these makes the top ten and it supports the wish to mix history with wagames.
10. Wargames Holiday Centre.
This just made the top ten in the last couple of weeks and really deserves to be in the top ten, it was one of the best events of 2012 for me, wargaming and otherwise. Again I have Lee to thank for that.
So that's it, hope you all had a great New Years Eve and lets hope 2013 is a year to remember for all the right reasons.


  1. Are you ready for 2013?

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Ian

    seems like 2012 went pretty well

  3. And a wonderful blog it is, Ian. You've got yourself a lot of talent and are an overall, good egg.

    Happy 2013 :-)

  4. @ all, Happy New Year, I hope it's a good one for us all.


  5. Happy New Year to you and your family Ian!



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