
Tuesday 29 January 2013

50K Why Thanks Guys (and the odd girl)

Actually most of the blokes are rather odd as well. So a BIG thank you to one and all, it's been a blast and getting to the dizzy heights of 50K is not something I take lightly. It is made even better by my ASL blog hitting 75,000 on the same day. This one is getting more hits per day and a lot more comments so it will be fun to see if this one can beat the other to 100K. It's kind of caught me by surprise in that I got here so fast as I had a rather grand idea for such a landmark but no matter I have thought of another angle for how I can spin the idea.

At the moment I am very much aware that the Painting Challenge is taking up a lot of column inches which will not be to everyone's taste and as such I have tried to keep other subjects going between the painted rows of figures. I have to admit though that the whole challenge thing has become a bit obsessive. I originally wanted to finish in the top ten beating last years 11th place. Then of course the contestants went up to an amazing 47, a top ten just got harder. Well the lowest position I have had so far is seventh and I am really trying hard to keep up there. It's doing wonders for my mountain, though it's also fallen into the same time as my starting to paint a load of figures for Matt so the mountain has suddenly grown with little sign of my breaking it down. Worse (or better) still I am at York this weekend where I may well be tempted to part with yet more money to build on the mountain. My only saving grace is that I will be taking figures to off load including two whole armies and a lot of Napoleonic French who are made by Irregular. The plan is to replace them with a mix of new Baccus and Adler, the question is when will the French be ready? If not ready by Triples I can see my buying the French Guard from Adler and if I do sell my Irregular Prussians as well I will be buying lots of these as well.

I do not see much of a drop off on painting come March 20th when the Challenge ends, I can't afford to I might just get buried under the lead.


  1. The challenge is great, its such a motivator!! My leadpile is growing smaller by the day, shame its mainly 15mm, as I've no chance winning. I'm hoping on a top 5 place but that might be pushing it. Nice one on the 50K hits!!!

    1. Yes it's doing me the power of good, not sure I would have painted up so much in such a short period. Finished off one army and looking at the home straight on a Baccus starter army.

  2. Congrats on reaching 50k!

    However, I am most upset that you described me as "odd" ;)

    1. I am surprised, you strike me as the right kind of odd ;-)

  3. Congrats Ian, well deserved and Tamsin is odd!

    1. I will bow to your greater knowledge seeing as she stood me up at Derby ;-)

  4. Challenges are great motivators, for sure. And that's a lot of painting that you do, which is cool.

    Keep doing this great blog and we'll keep reading.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

    1. Well the painting could take a dive, I possibly have an interview at a job I lack the qualifications to do, so it's quite possible I will have a job in a few weeks time. OK my Doctor has said I must not work yet but if I don't take it I loose my benefit, at least if it kills me I have cover LOL

  5. Congrat on the 50k, always a pleasure to pop over here.

  6. What a wonderful achievement, well done that man.

  7. Well done indeed 50k is a great number to get too and heres looking forward to another 50k more

  8. Well done Ian - a great milestone.

  9. Congrats on the hitcount, here's to the next 50,000.

  10. Congrats Ian! Bring on 100K.

  11. @ the rest of you motley crew (meant in the best way) many thanks. It's been a blast to this point and I don't see that changing



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