
Monday 7 January 2013

Gifts from a Good Friend

Some of you will know about the extra Secret Santa that I game Anne over at Anne's Attic. I was the first to admit it was not really that much. All of the items were from my collection of this and that, the stuff most of us gather through time. However some of that stuff was specific to Anne as I knew she wanted to try an Elephant, I also knew she wanted to try rusting a shield so I supplied a couple of old Citadel metal shields. What made it for me was that the items went down well with Anne and helped her have a good Christmas. It really was all about the thought behind it rather than the £$ value of the items. Just as well really. Well like Anne we are rather strapped here and as a few others did not really go in for gifts for each other, most went on the kids. Though I have to say it was still rather special without the presents to unwrap ourselves, seeing the kids happy was enough for us. 

Well a very good friend knew of this and just before new year I got a cryptic message of don't buy anything ASL till I received a parcel from him. Well it turned up today and I was knocked sideways by his generosity. I kind of expected the latest Journal as it came out just before Christmas and he knew I was saving up for it. But this is what I actually received.

A number of these items were on my must get list whilst others I had bought the previous years releases but knew I would have to pass this last year as I just could not warrant spending so much money on a game I already had thousands of scenarios that I have yet to play. This is literally hundreds of dollars worth of ASL kit. I have just been knocked sideways by this gift and look forward to playing some of the scenarios with him in the future. It's played havoc with my painting today though, I'm so much on a high I just can't think to pick up the brush, instead I keep pawing through my stash. It may be some weeks before you can get the smile off my face.


  1. Hmmm - receiving ASL goodies keeps Ian away from painting. I do hope some naughty Ronin doesn't pick up on that and sabotage his entries in the Analogue Painting Challenge by repeatedly sending Ian goodies ;)

    That's definitely very generous of your friend and I hope you enjoy them :)

  2. It really did make a big difference in my Christmas when that parcel arrived from you. Your friend did a great thing here and I can tell your happy as could be. Remember though, it's Challenge time and you must paint!!

    I like your new layout!

  3. Nice to hear, Ray never does anything like this for me, he's a taker not a giver!

  4. That is so cool Ian! Enjoy!

  5. @ Tamsin, well if the other participants wish to try and distract me with gifts of figures or games far be it from me to stop them ;-)

    @ Andrew, indeed, I always love Christmas for the fun of giving the perfect present

    @ Anne, yes boss, just finished another four and now back on to my 15mm for a day or two

    @ Fran, please I don't need to hear about your sex life ;-)

    @ Roger, I will indeed, I spent a fair amount of time last night just going through them, will be doing that again later. Plus two mags to read, I could not be better placed for some ASL fun. I have in fact some more ASL stuff coming from a recent trade.



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