
Thursday 21 February 2013

Static In Your Attic?

Started to get the materials together for basing my Prussians and a few other projects. I really want to get the Prussians started before February ends so I start ahead of the schedule I have drawn up. Given that I won't get any reinforcements to the twelve bases worth I already have until the 18th of March it's not a bad idea. Not that the schedule is too demanding.

Lee supplied his recipe for the static grass he uses on his bases, this was key as I want my Prussians to blend in with his British, Dutch etc. Lee mixes two parts winter grass with one part summer. As you can see from above the summer green is quite bright whilst the winter is very dark. I had to admit on opening the parcel I was underwhelmed with the size of the bags especially the summer bag. These are 10g and 25g bags.

Here we have them mixed together, the look is much better that I expected. I used all 25g of the brown and the look is fine. According to Lee the supplier does not matter and indeed improves the mix as you gather slightly different hues. I also did not have to worry about the quantity as once out of the bag and mixed together the flock seemed to increase in mass. I'm rather happy with the colour and quantity. The supplier in this case was War World Scenics, ordered via E-Bay and supplied the following day so top marks for speed though the postal charge was a fair bit higher than the cost to send. 

I could not post on the blog yesterday as I spent the whole day playing ASL with my Nephew. We got in a game on a historical map that I won with a little time to spare and a playtest that I scrapped a win in the last turn. James play has come on a lot, especially in the last year, he takes less gambles and plays a strong game.


  1. Well in this case the postage cost was £2.00 which included an extra 50p for the second item though it was in the same postage bracket. That of a first class stamp I believe so yes rather OTT and a third of the total cost. Not terrible but avoidable for sure


  2. I have to confess I do something similar, but not on the scale that you accomplish.

  3. Wow, 10g in one bag. I use 70g of brown flour for eight cookies. I wouldn't get to make many grass cookies, with 10g, but maybe once they were both mixed.

    Thanks for asking about my back. The job it rough on the spine. I hurt most of the day, but I have great prep buddies that life all the heavy stuff. And I'm working on getting everything better.

    Seeing the doctor tomorrow. He wanted me to wait a week to see him (if possible), so he could see what my spine looked like after a week.

    Anyway, thanks for asking.

  4. @ Michael, me accomplish? well that's a new one ;-)

    @ Happy, yes it's a known fact that 1lb of flock is a lot lighter than 1ld of lead figures. Seriously though,flock is just small fibres dyed different colours so are really light but is was a surprise how small the bag was (the figures behind the bags are 6mm)

    Glad you are working through the back issues, these can take some time to heal and it's great your work mates are being supporting you. Hope it heals fully



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