
Thursday 21 March 2013

3rd Annual Painting Challenge Has Ended.

Well it ended a little over 24 hours ago but I was worn out with the end run charge that saw me break through my second target of 2000 points. Anyone interested in looking at all the entries can find Curt's blog Analogue Hobbies here.

The great thing is that you can go over there and pick out your favourite submission and vote on it with the submission that gets the largest vote getting a prize. This is no easy task as some of the work is so inspirational and the standard is seriously high. If you have a hour or two to spare to feast your eyes on some of the best painting done in the last three months then I recommend that you click on the link and relax into figure heaven. 

So the numbers I had expected to do more 28mm and 15mm than I actually did but made up for this with a 6mm charge.

Thirty Three 25/28mm Foot
Thirty Three 20mm Cavalry
Three 20mm Elephants
Forty 15mm Cavalry
One Hundred and Thirty Seven 15mm Infantry
Two Hundred and Forty Nine 6mm Cavalry
One Thousand Six Hundred and Six 6mm Infantry
Eighteen 6mm guns each with four crew
Four Limbers

I have now started work on some of the Spanish 6mm buildings for a short break in painting figures but waiting on my desk with the aim to be started before getting deep into next week is the three 15mm ECW foote regiments with their 6mm equivalents. 

To follow these I have the last of the French allied infantry in 6mm and the command I did not finish before. I also in 6mm have all the Prussians I received recently, now all sorted and ready. Waiting prep I have the Roman's that I plan to start sometime very soon as they have been neglected and this needs rectifying. 

The end of the Painting Challenge will herald a return to the more varied mix of posts with Terribly Obscure coming back and a more varied mix of other subjects. Thanks for bearing with this, though I still have quite a few more posts to bring to a close the figures painted to date.

I did finish a few projects. The Numidian Impetus army was finished near the start of the Challenge and then sold at York. Matt's WSS army was pained from start to finish within the challenge as was the 3D sniper project. Though I will probably add the odd figure to the mix I won't do much more on this.

I failed to reach a few targets though. I still have a lot of the Macedonian's left unpainted which would have reduced the lead pile a fair amount. The Spanish Ulcer despite needing just a little effort remains to be finished. I did not even touch some of the prepped figures from the Sniper Reminder box (Partisans)  but none of this is a major issue.

I also got to try out a few new techniques, the basing which will be used on all future projects whilst I will continue basing the rest the same as before. The painting style for Matt's WSS is a lot faster than my normal style and I will continue with this for some of my future projects.

I don't know how Curt did it but he managed to hold the whole thing together. 47 signed up for this with 45 actually sending in submissions with over 400 in total! So hats off and a big thank you.


  1. Congratulations to all of you who participated. There was some beautiful things painted this year. I'm going to vote, but it's hard to pick. I'm still looking at pics trying to choose just one.

  2. Congrats on the #6 spot Ian. It was well deserved for your efforts and you gave me a very good run for my money - I couldn't have been knocked into 7th place by a nicer chap :)

    1. Your making me blush :-)

      It was a lot of fun I have to give you that. I was surprised how far up the tree we went, I set out for top ten and I got that so very happy


    2. @ Fran - and I couldn't have been kept out of the top 5 by 5 lovelier chaps than you, Ray, Kev, James and Chris :)
      (yes, even the High Imperial King of Sandbagging is a lovely chap)

  3. Well done Ian , some great work from you.

  4. Yes well done Ian, you would've been a lot higher if you wasn't painting all them 6mm figures!

  5. Great job Ian; any man that can post the words "One Thousand Six Hundred and Six 6mm Infantry" has to be worthy of a top ten spot!

    1. Couldn't agree more, and such a lovely job as well. Congrats mate, a very well deserved placing.

  6. Well done Ian and best of luck with the new job. It was a pleasure working with you again.

  7. Thanks for all the comments, well we seem to be in the very centre of all the snow in this area so I guess I will be spending a fair amount of time indoors, now what shall I do?



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