
Saturday 30 March 2013

Arena Rex Giveaway

The Ides has passed! The Kickstarter for Arena Rex has begun, and all of us at Red Republic Games are really excited about the support we've received. We also want to support The Blog With No Name and their great historical content! All you have to do is

Add a comment below to be added to the draw. As in all the giveaways you can enter this one as well as any of the others.  Winning one giveaway still allows you the chance to win any of the others.

We'll ship it out with a resin base, an activation token, and a 4"x6" art card. Good luck

The image above is a painted version of the 35mm resin figure up for grabs, you will of course have to paint it! A tutorial is here.I am actually rather excited about this kickstarter and plan to be in on it. The first stretch goal is less than $5000 away which will entail an extra free mini included in two of the commitment levels (five figure and ten figure levels). If you buy into the kickstarter you get to pick which mini's you get so straight from the off you get to customise your gladiator school. Backers get the rules including a sneak preview via the playtesters version as a PDF. I think this will allow you to make informed choices on which Gladiators will suit your style of play. So far they offer fourteen basic level glads (Field of Mars) four Fields of Jupiter and a pair from the Fields of Titan's. Each higher field comes at a higher price but this is due to the size of the figures rather than a pay more to have a better chance of winning play. Though I would say that if you were the only one to have a higher level Glad I would expect you to have an advantage. As further support is gained more choices are released. 

It's also possible to select more figures beyond your level of support (as well as any stretch goal rewards) and other extras are being offered and added to as time goes on. The dice at $10 for ten is calling me as they look cool and since when do you have enough dice. 

So you have a week to get in on the act for this giveaway and 22 days left to join the kickstarter. As for the other giveaways they are starting to tick down, the Leven Miniatures offer is drawn in two days so if you fancy those 6mm and 10mm buildings you had best get your skates on and the others will sfollow suit quickly.


  1. What a lovely looking figure!!!!! I'm in!!!!

  2. Great looking project, keeping fingers crossed the final product matches the hype.

    1. This is always the way with Kickstarters, I think the way the different characters interact will be the main strength or weakness of the system. All types should have an advantage over others but also weakness to counter it. It should be up to the player to try and get the right mix of glads to pit against their opponent. Of course this really means a good mix of glads in your school and a game of cat and mice when selecting who to use. If on the other hand you have a super glad it would just mean pitching them against each other with restricted glads getting an outing, something not in the best interest of the supplier or the player.

      It has great flavour so I really hope it's been done right. The fact that the rules are low complexity with choices via the damage tree makes me think it has a greater chance of being good than bad or average.

      I am looking forward to painting up the figures as much as the playing of the game. I just hope I can pull in a sucker, er I mean opponent to also buy into this (save me supplying both sides).


  3. Lovely sculpt, count me in if you will!

  4. Count me in as well. Thanks for running these contests!

  5. I'm in too. I saw their Kickstarter and really like their sculpts. The only reason I didn't back it is that I've just backed two others.

  6. That is a nice miniature; please add me in the drawing for this.

  7. Yea, I would love to cast my lot into the drawing!

  8. That is an amazing looking figure gosh I so want that.

  9. Interesting Kickstarter with very nice figs. I'm definitely interested. Draw me!

  10. Please count me in. Fantastic model and will be backing the kickstarter soon.

  11. Thanks for all the interest, looking forward to doing all the draws now, don't forget they all remain live for seven days after posting so it's not to late to join in the fun of any of them (at the time of typing)


  12. Very excited about this one. Fingers crossed!

  13. How could I say no to such a great offer. Count me in please.


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