
Sunday 24 March 2013

Project Waterloo and Blog Giveaway

The first month is coming towards it's end and as I am short of primer (a couple of can's are on order) it is very likely I will fall behind of schedule for Cavalry, guns, limbers and command in this the first month. Now this sounds bad, but in fact just painting up one of each of these would supply a few months worth of my target as I have such a long period to get these doe in. I will not become complacent though and you can expect April to supply a several of each if I get the chance.

The infantry is a different matter though, I have painted up 12 battalions providing three regiments, though I have painted these up as regiments that were involved in the 100 days campaign but not those actually at Waterloo. The idea being that these can be used if I do not get all the actual regiments done but as I will need more than the Waterloo force for other campaigns it's not a worry that I will find myself with a few spare.

All three regiments are Baccus figures and were really easy to paint, though the time to paint was actually longer than painting the French equivalents which was a surprise. On the picture above you can see the drummer has the white/red facings on his shoulders which adds a nice touch to what for drummers is a rather drab uniform. So many other nations having alternative colour schemes for their drummers. The blanket roll was the reason for the slower pace of painting which I found was a slower process that the white cross-belts of the French. 

Three of the four regiments has the correct flags for the regiment they are depicting, this one being the 2nd Line Regiment 1st Pomerania. All three battalions are present with the fusilier battalion without a flag which is accurate. I did consider giving them a flag as this looks better but decided to go historical instead.

Next up is the 8th Line Regiment Leib much the same as the one above, I have mixed in line and column formations as my rules (and most others) deal with the actual formation abstractly. 

The 9th Line Regiment Colberg, each regiment has a number then in some cases a second number and a Prussian district. This is where the regiment is based and or recruited from. with the second number required if that district has more than one Regiment based there.

The 14th Reserve Line Regiment Third of Pomerania, this regiment has no official flags but like many others is suspected to have carried unofficial ones. It's pure conjecture as to which flags were carried so I went with a little bit of colour. The facings denote what area the regiment comes from, these being red, white and yellow so a nice touch of colour. All four of these have standard infantry acting as skirmishers but most would have Jagers which you will see with future regiments.



  1. Nice Prussians Ian - and nice touch on the Drummer

  2. Quality. Think these guys will look great in large numbers. How long is it taking you to get a base finished?

  3. Sorry guys but I posted part way through so you did not see the whole post LOL

    @ Vladd, I did that as a single batch and it was about 16-20 hours of actual work time so a little under two hours though add about 4-6 hours drying time for the paint on the base to dry to a point you can paint the sand stuck to the base.

    I also think they will come into their own in large numbers. It's a shame that when they get their first major play I will be fighting against them, at least I will get a few games in with them before the big game so that I can balance them for the rules.


  4. This is a lot of work along with what you did for the Challenge. I have a bad feeling that they dressed the drummer differently to draw fire!

    Blog giveaway, did I hear blog giveaway? I will be here with my hand out!

  5. Impressive work Ian - that is looking fantastic. I love seeing them all formed up like that.

  6. Great job Ian, what an undertaking.

  7. I'm back Ian. This is a shameless attempt at priming the pump as it were prior to the contest. I want those brushes!!!

  8. @ Anne, LOL and yes I did Laugh Out Loud ;-)

    @ Jonathan, you wait till they finally come on on the flank of my French, they will look rather fine then (but not to me!)

    @ Michael well given how much French also need painting it's going to be a big big project, fortunately we already have a lot of the French done.

    @ Panzer, Thanks, the next lot are Adler so we will see how they dress up



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