
Sunday 3 March 2013

WSS Cavalry and Dragoons.

First an heads up that Dux is offering a rather nice giveaway on his blog for hitting 20,000 page views, not at all a bad achievement. The prize I like the most being some 28mm SAGA figures that he will paint up for you (well hopefully me LOL).

Finished these about a week ago but did not want to post about them till Matt had them in hand as it were. I am quite happy how they turned out but even happier to have them behind me. Don't get me wrong I did not dislike doing them but a mix of cavalry being one of the less fun types for me to paint and having done so very many figures with similar dress left me a little flat. I just have the command to finish now which I will concentrate on once I have the ECW that are on my desk finished. This should be the next two days I think as all all coming close to being finished.

Each regiment takes up two sticks, here you see Le Roi and Nassau, with the black primer to work up to these came out quite punchy in colour, an effect that is growing on me.

Here we have Cosse and La Vallier, the colours (flags) are conjecture based on some examples I found on the net. Seems cavalry standards more than infantry are lost in the mists of time.

Regt. Royal is the fifth regiment and has two command stands to make it up to the twelve figures that Matt had planned each regiment to be. These all are typical of Baccus cavalry in pose and make up. Nice and easy to paint up though the black priming did make it a bit harder to pick out some of the detail.

Here is a shot of all five line cavalry and the three dragoon regiments. The dragoons were a little more fun to paint as each regiment had the colourful hats and the musician was a drummer in all regiments whilst only a couple of line cavalry had these.


  1. Little figs, great work. Quite an output.

  2. Lovely looking units Ian, top notch!

  3. Thanks guy's, you wait till I get onto the 6mm Zulu's, though I have a feeling this will be post Challenge as the clock is ticking. I have enjoyed the stuff I have on the desk, all close to being finished but I've had less time there this last ten days than at any other point in the Challenge. Rather frustrating and it won't get better as this week goes on but for good reasons rather than bad.



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