
Monday 8 April 2013

Baccus French Giveaway, Yes ANOTHER Giveaway

Greens in 6mm

That nice gent over at Baccus has offered three, yes three lucky followers a rather splendid 25% discount on the new French Napoleonic figures that look to be released in May and continue through 2013 till the range is both replaced and much expanded. This is great news for anyone into 6mm Napoleonic French. So adding that three peeps will get their hands on a massive 25% discount is fantastic news (I only wish I could join in). So if you are looking at getting into a French Napoleonic army or expanding the one you have with brand new shiny shiny then this giveaway is for you. You do not have to order straight away but you would have to get in touch with Peter (I would notify Peter with winners details) so that you can work out how best to proceed with your order. You have a week to get your name down for a chance to win. If you run a blog please pimp this giveaway as like the Leven Buildings, The Rosemary & Co and last but not least the Red Republic giveaway it's rather special.

I will stress that you should only go in for this giveaway if you plan to buy some of these new figures as winning and not using the discount (it's only available for the French) would be taking the opportunity from someone who would want to take advantage of this offer. But please all who are interested please leave a comment below and good luck to you all. The link above takes you to the French Napoleonic page whilst this link takes you to the news page for more information of other new releases. Baccus also has a bustling forum for all things 6mm, go check them out. Though of course as I type this it's down for maintenance but check back again soon as it's well worth a visit.

Winners of other giveaways I had hoped to get these out over the weekend, this has not happened due to various levels of laziness but will be done sometime during this week. I will keep you posted. 


  1. Lovely greens and it is hard to believe that they are 6mm

  2. My entire blog is one long pimp for Baccus. I have been waiting for these figures to come out for quite some time....

  3. Cool count me in on this one

  4. Cool count me in on this one

  5. I am so looking forward to these lovely looking models! Count me in!

  6. @ PanzerKaput, are you in for the giveaway as well? Can we get you to come over to the dark side?

    @ Dartfrog, well you do have the best 6mm blog going and as such you can't help but pimp the good men of Sheffield

    @ Lee, you know you can only get put in the once don't you ;-)I will probably get Peter to draw this prize as I know one of the entrants and maybe a second or third may be enticed to join in LOL

    @ Ian, me too, ever since Peter was telling me about them (at Partizan I think) I still bought two infantry booster packs at that show though and now I am about out.


    1. I would love to say yes as they are lovely figures but they should go to someone who has the time to do them justice. But they are lovely figures.

    2. I've only just been able to resist the urge to buy some of the current range myself! I'm placating myself with some Russians, so my French will have someone to fight! :-)

    3. Yes I know the feeling, I have a load of Prussians that won't paint themselves ;-)


  7. Hey, wondered if I could get in on this? Much obliged.

  8. @ 2nd Kentucky, you sure can Sir


  9. Count me in. I have been patiently awaiting these to start up my Napoleonics project again.

  10. I want in! I want in! Sorry. I mean, would you please be so kind as to include me?

  11. I would most definitely be interested, just got my brits from baccus and they are very nice.

  12. Just the excuse I need. My friends have been buying 10mm of late. I can't give up my Baccus 6mm stuff though! These French are really something but I will paint them as Italians first :-)

  13. @ Dale, never a better reason than new shiny. Me and a mate are putting on Waterloo in 2015 (not at a club or demo, just one big game in his gaff, the whole lot I have the Prussians to do, he has some of the French, all the guard and the allied troops (he has the Brits already) I am supplying most of the French.

    @ Aquahog, LOL, go on then, consider yourself in.

    @ Edit, Yes I like Baccus Brits, Lee has a great collection of them.

    @ vonGottschall, I have painted up some 10mm Hussars for someone, lots and lots of detail and they did look good but if I am doing that level of detail I would do 15mm as it takes almost as long. I painted up some Neapolitan's not so long ago (look back in the blog pages) enjoyed it a great deal. Latest French not to be French was the Irish for my Spanish force. The last of the old Baccus will be Swiss amoungst a few others, all for Spain and maybe Russia.


  14. I'd love to be in, I've been waiting a couple of years to expand my existing (large!) Baccus 6mm Napoleonic French army.



  15. After painting 6mm for Phil Broeders, I'm seduced. Count me in please!

  16. @ JWH, I know what you mean. recently sold both my Prussian and French Irregular armies and really need the new sculps to expand my French who are a lot less than I thought they were.

    @ Dux, well you sure are welcome to join in, as I said before, you have to watch that Broeders chap.

    So with just one day to go we still have room for anyone who want's in.



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