
Saturday 13 April 2013

Calling All Winners

Just a quick update post for the giveaways that have already finished. I have not been great at getting prizes out but the ones left that I still need to post go either today or Monday

Leven Miniatures. Both winners have been linked to Leven and last I heard was busy picking their swag.

3D Snipers, one set claimed and will be packed up straight after posting this. The others I still need Curtis to contact me, just left a message on his blog.

£20 giveaway. This has been claimed and sent, so that means the second named winner will get £10 next month.

Rosemary & Co. one set claimed but still waiting for Michael to claim his set. As he does not have a blog I have to hope he see's this. If still no joy I will pick a second winner.

Sniper Reminders. I need to get these figures out. This means the wife has to do her stuff with the packaging.

Red Republic Games, Arena Rex figure. Details passed on to RRG's earlier today so will be on the way soon.

Of course that still leaves the Baccus giveaway ongoing so still time to get your name in the draw.

Sorry for the delays but will get them on the way soon.


  1. Looking forward to my win arriving!

  2. I'll claim the brushes if no one wants them!

  3. Did Ray really win or is he just trying to confuse us?

  4. laffe is drooling over our Leven buildings. Gorgeous he says

  5. @ Ray all packed up ready for tomorrow

    @ Fran, well a little time yet till they re-draw so you still in with a chance.

    @ Mike, confuse us? When is it he does not win?

    @ Joakim, he is not wrong, I have had no time to paint any more of mine but they will get a looking this week, I have lots to paint though



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