
Friday 17 May 2013

Triples 2013 and Tamsin the Whore ;-)

That's blog whore in case any of you were wondering. Well she sure is one generous dame (by this point I know I am sooo Dead come the Worlds) any ways nip over to her blog for a chance to win prizes, so far we have a Box of Warlord British WWII Infantry (enough to make up 25 figures) £21 worth of Ground Zero castings and if that's not enough £25 of Baccus 6mm castings. You can even go after all three if you like. Just  look out for The Wargaming Girl.

OK I have mentioned I planned wearing a Pittsburgh Steeler shirt to Triples so anyone wanting to stop me for a chat based on these insane ramblings could do so without worrying they were making an ass of themselves. So above is a wargames or history based clue for whose shirt I have picked. OK unless your a Steeler fan you or know the painting you may need a bit more help.

Number one draft pick of two years ago for the Steelers (or was it three?) maybe his skills could be useful in the bring and buy?

OK so what's the odds of two guys wearing a Linemans jersey with 96 and Hood written on it at a Wargames con? Hopefully extremely rare. So if you see a slim attractive intelligent looking bloke walking around tomorrow matching that description, best pass on buy, I will be along some time after.

Beyond that, lets talk Triples. Not sure who is going from this end, Lee is as he is picking me up at 9am and we have a breakfast stop at the Golden Archers planned. Matt is going but not sure which day and it's up in the air regards Aidy. Hope he comes as he is a fun guy.

How about spendies? Adler will be an early stop to collect my orders but Baccus will be first stop. Unfortunately the only new French will be early war in Bicornes so whilst I will be looking I will only spend if Lee does not buy some of these (I have offered to paint a few up so I can review them on the blog). But between now and then you never know.

I have boring spend to do, a few cans of varnish as I am all out and need some more, I recently took figures over to Lee to varnish and he was on his last can. may be the bring and buy will have something and I al looking forward to being able to look at games, check out the traders at a slow pace and more than anything else at all chat with peeps. I already have planned to meet up with Ian who has been instrumental in my 6mm painting style (along with Dr. Mike) who should be putting on a clinic so I can't wait to chat with him.

I suppose just the fact that I can go to Triples with money in my pocket and not worry about spending makes the event rather exciting, it's just ironic that I already know what I need. I also have to pick up an order from Warbases as well and they so often have something you just want to get just because so I have a possible outlet there.

Last up would be something to play with the kids, that would be great. If I see some figures that really make me think the kids would love that then I will let fly.

Hope to see you there if your going, please say high, these days it's the best bit about the cons.


  1. You are in sooooooooo much trouble young man! *lol*

    1. "trouble young man"

      Obviously got me mixed up with someone else so I am safe


  2. Have fun. I recommend one impulse buy; maybe a Russian Civil War Tchanka?

  3. Yeah, you're toast buddy.

    Have fun and spend, spend, spend.

  4. ah oh your in trouble, you best not wear the Steelers shirt, It'll make it far too easy for Tamsin to find you!!!

  5. Think tasmin will fun him even if he was not wearing tge steelers shirt think I am going to have to find another partner for the waterloo project.

  6. A brave but possibly foolhardy pimping; made me chuckle though! :D

  7. Well I kept my head on a swivel and made through Triples Day One


    er Patrick, my name is Patrick!


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