
Monday 3 June 2013

Baccus Open Day and Joy of Six

Last year, Lee and myself went over to Baccus HQ for a tour of the workshop where Baccus figures are made. This was hugely interesting and you can check out our day here

This year Peter is again putting on the same event and if you have the chance to go I would fully recommend that you go. Due to space constraints places are limited so it's best to contact Peter as soon as you know you can get over.

It's two or so hours well spent and really gives you a good understanding of how Baccus and other companies make the figures and what it takes to go from a lump of green stuff to production runs. My wife took the place of one of the guys who could not make it and had a great time and tended to ask better questions than the rest of us just as Peter had prophesied before the event (curse her).

By this point you should have an idea if such an event is of interest to you but I have to say that even though I knew I wanted to go and thought I knew what was coming it was a real surprise at how much I enjoyed the day. Indeed not only was the journey home filled with a three way conversation about various aspects that caught each of our interest but the train journey to the Sheffield Irregulars and Baccus show the following day remained a continuation of the debrief. In fact the two days ended up being the highlight of all the con's I went to that year.

By the way, I am not suggesting to go to this if you are not interested in the hope it will interest you, what I am saying is that if you think you want to go you will find it ended up being so much better than you expected. So much so that some people go back for second helpings in following years. I also talked with Matt (who had been in a previous year) and he also had tales to tell. It's great that Peter opens up the doors, even better that you get a cuppa (and a bicky or two if you look like you will part with cash) but of course Peter knows what he is doing. Not only do you get a feel for the history of Baccus but through the time spent at Baccus HQ you get to feel the product. Most of us seemed to leave with either those extra items required for the ongoing project or like Lee and myself (the following day) a whole new project as this was where Lee finally caved into my desire to do ECW in 6mm not his favoured 10mm, not that he has yet painted a single figure for this (hint hint).

So if all the places have not gone get yourself into the fun, oh and the evening brings more fun with a curry for those who can make it. I think next year we may go back if only for the curry night.


  1. Fascinating I'm sure, but way too small for me!

  2. @ Michael You need to go see Peter at a show and tell him that. You may be surprised with what he has to say to you.

    Whilst your skills are so obviously suited to 28 mm you may well discover more tallents by having a go



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