
Thursday 27 June 2013

Finally Mended!

I am a bit embarrassed to admit but way back in February I received a figure back from a friend that had not made the trip to the States well at all. The embarrassment is not so much it did not survive the trip, nor that it was sent back. No the real problem was that it sat on my desk till mid June with the only action the stripping of the original paint. Somehow the task had become a massive stone around my neck and I knew it was gong to be a horrible job. 

Of course that's not a good enough reason to stop me painting the figure but it still was enough. So much so that even a helpful hint failed to get me to get the thing started. Finally I just decided I would paint nothing else till I had at least put down the base colours.

Well as soon as I started I really got back into painting him. It was sad that the paint was removed in the accident of him coming unpinned but I found I was enjoying revisiting him and trying to better the original. Feedback from my friend was that he would have liked the camo to be a little smaller so that was high on my agenda.

The figure is a 28mm and I think it's Artizan but I could be wrong. I had made a diorama for the figure and fortunately that survived the trip. So the figure is now winging it's way across the pond to be added to it's base.

I have quite a few more 28mm's to paint and really must start to paint them again soon, first though I have Matt's figures to finish so it will be a while yet but it was good to work with something much larger than I have been doing recently.

The biggest embarrassment though has to be that it was done in just the one sitting! All those months wasted on just not getting round to it. So lesson learnt (I hope).

Talking of painting, I have managed to get quite a bite done over the last two weeks and up to last night have made sure I paint for an hour a night as a minimum. Far from becoming a chore it's something I have looked forward too. Only I could not do any last night as my paints were at work! Don't ask, Friday I won't get to do any as I get in a game of Check Your Six which is probably the beginning of a new painting direction, but that will at least not come into play until Derby


  1. One figure can be harder to do than a squad sometimes.

  2. I agree, a single is harder than a squad. Plus you care about it so you wanted it to be right, not rushed. Great work.

  3. I know what you mean about the difficulty getting going on something like this. I've been going through the same thing with the figures I'm doing for Donogh. Hopefully, once I've stripped them and start painting again the "dread" will be banished.

    That's a cracking job you've done there :)

  4. Prevarication is the bane of all painters at one time or another. If I get distracted or can't paint for a few days mid-project I find it very hard to get started again. When I eventually do I zip through the remaining job and am left wondering why I found it so hard.

  5. I think we have all been there at one time or another, but what a great job for one setting!

  6. @ Fran, sometimes that monkey on your back just will not move until you jab it in the eye with the sharp end of your brush

    @ Styx, Well not rushed but once I started the painting just flew along but in a good way

    @ Tamsin It seems harder when it's for someone else, you seem to have the same issue I had.

    @ Lee, I am getting a hour or two a day most days so I am keeping the big project rolling. If I get ahead at some point I will take a month off and paint just what I want. At the moment I do not feel the need so all is good

    @ Michael, Thanks, yes I have been their far more in the past than of late. My main problem is that I have so many other projects sitting in the background, oh well that's a figure gamers life I suppose


  7. Nice work!

    I painted this very figure just last month as part of a commission, the manufacturer is in fact Black Tree (although they do look very similar to the Artizan stuff)


  8. @ Dave, yes you are right, Blacktree I do really like their sculps as they have the extra detail that makes them. Thanks for the correction



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