
Friday 21 June 2013

Secret Santa II

Last year was a great success for the Secret Santa with everyone who joined in having a right old time of it. I personally was really happy with all my French Artillery and limbers I received and was motivated to put it to the front of the painting queue. 

I launched the whole idea a little late but still attracted a reasonable number of participants. Cath has again offered to run the who gets to buy for who part of the SS allowing me to join in again.

I think the rules of last year were good so plan to go along with that again but changed just a bit.

1. To enter you need to either have a blog or be a regular follower of this blog already. This is to give confidence to all involved that everyone will follow through to the end. If you have a blog and don't follow this one it's OK to join in.

2. The present should be around £15 plus postage (best to buy the present actually in the country the receiver lives in so cutting down postage costs)

3. It's OK to have a wish list but it's just as good to buy something you think the person would like. Blog details of your target are given so you can snoop.

4. Whilst it's not essential it really added to Cath's enjoyment when the SS checked in with her to let her know target had incoming.

5. You should pimp the Secret Santa on your blog to hopefully increase the numbers joining in.

6. You should sign up by 15th November so to allow time for picking gifts.

7. Gifts should arrive by 20th December if possible. It's fine to get the supplier to send direct and I would be cheeky and ask them to gift wrap  ;-)

8. Item/s should be wargame related though it's OK to throw in something odd if you want to.

Well that's all I can think of at the moment regards rules etc. You have right up to the 15th of November to sign up but I would appreciate some early birds as it makes organising it that much easier. I will need the blog name and an e-mail address for you (plus your real name) if you go to my profile you will get my e-mail details but also mention your interest in the comments section to make sure I catch you.

I look forward to lots of SS fun and will run regular updates.


  1. I may be able to participate this year. If I can have my persons name early and buy when I have cash, I'll do it. This looked like so much fun last year and it would be nice to be a part of it.

  2. Count me in again as well please? It was nice to get some lead under the tree last year! :)

  3. Funnily enough I've just started putting my gift together. Same again please.

  4. I'm in again please Ian!

  5. I'm in. It was a total blast this year, especially reading about how excited the recipient was with the gift I sent!

  6. Sounds like a blast I'm in
    Peace James

  7. It was a lot of fun, count me in again.

    Bit early though - its only June! Christmas feels a long way off.

  8. I sat on the sidelines last year and regretted it; I'm in.

  9. @ Anne, sounds a good idea, I have mentioned it to her who must be obeyed and she will wait till a few Yankies are in the mix and assign one to you, I am not involved in that part of things so rest assured it will be done propper like

    @ Andy, indeed it was, it reminded me of the old ASL SS that Dave ran (and I copied without any qualms)

    @ Conrad, good to have you again, it would be great to have your mate involved, I still feel bad about the mess up that did not get in involved last year

    @ Tim, great, it's nice to see so many old faces booking early

    @ Torsteinn, good enough, I was never told who you got for and as everyone seemed really excited it gives me no clue

    @ James, good to have you join us, I am sure you will come up with a GREAT IDEA. :-)

    @ Phyllion, It was indeed, It is early but this allows me to keep mentioning it on the blog so less chance of someone missing out who would want to join in.

    @ Mike, Good to have you join in. I think a lot of the guys who saw this last year and had an interest may well jump in. Shaping up to be a good start anyway


  10. Enjoyed it last year, so I am in.

  11. Aaah go on, count me in... Normal service is about to resume.

  12. @ Dartfrog, happy to have you on board again.

    @ Dave, great to have you join us and better to see you blogging again


  13. This looked like a lot of fun last year, I'd like to join in this year!

  14. Late getting back to you Vladdd but you are welcome, will be doing an update next week and list all that is in so far



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