
Thursday 11 July 2013

Farm - Building of the Week

Last weeks building of the week was just the start of a planned group of buildings. Lee has used the same three buildings putting them on a tighter base and making typical Belgian walled farms and given that I will be using the same buildings in battles I thought I would try something a little different. All three buildings are from  Leven Miniatures. The stables is FAR02 Stable Block and costs £2.00 and the barn is in fact a Granary Store FAR03 at £1.50 so you can do the whole thing for £5 plus the cost of what ever you mount it on. 

I actually painted up the other buildings at the same time as the farmhouse. I timed it at about an hour in total for all three buildings and you can add another hour tops to base them and add the ivy to the side of the stables so quite a dash really.

Here is a view looking towards the barn (granary store), I really like the fact that the stables does not quite match up to the barn and it lends the look of the stables being an extension rather than a all built at the same time feel.

The back of the stables is pleasingly plain. I really like Leven's style as Mike is not afraid to produce buildings that are realistic and as such he is prepared to allow them to have boring aspects which is perfect for a balanced set up. Given that we look to be using Leven for Quatre Bras and Waterloo that's probably a good thing. We will have a few hundred buildings over the two I think and if we do Ligny I think we could double that!

Cath was quick to point out it was a bit "boring" and was surprised with my pleased response, again I do plan to do a version with more detail but I really like this one. My plan was always to add the ivy, though originally it was going on the house but that side wall just begged to be used. All told that took five minutes to add and I think heaps on the character.

The base is 80 by 120mm and was supplied by Warbases my supplier of choice. This is a stand alone piece so does not form part of the town, originally was going to add hedges but I lacked space to do that as well and this way it can be used a little more freely.

So not only is building of the week a little bit earlier than the last two weeks but you get a bonus building free. Yes I know I'm too good to you ;-)

Not sure what I will throw your way next week but I do know I have a few really nice buildings that I need to get on the table soon. Also you have not seen the last of this building base as all parts of it will be used on a painting tutorial planned to be both on my blog and on the Leven website if Mike is happy with the results.


  1. Looking good, must get started on my Leven stuff.

  2. It turned out quite beautiful Ian.

  3. Great work, What do you use for basing medium on this? I find a lot of scatter material is just to "big" and looks huge next to 6mm figures and buildings. I would be curious to hear what flock,sand you used.

  4. Great looking the ground too!

  5. Lovely group of building there and the scenic base adds to them

  6. @ Leif, yes you must, I want to see what you won.

    @ Fran, yes the ugly duckling looks better with a base

    @ Michael, I have to say I am rather pleased with my building collection and I still have lots more awaiting attention.

    @ Smillie, I use basic sharp sand but take the bigger lumps out. Once applied I tend to take the odd stone off if it looks over done. It's the same method as I use for the figures so check out the painting tutorial from last month.

    @ Roger, Thanks Roger, it came together nice.

    @ Phil, I plan to base up all my buildings even though that does increase the space to store them, basing makes an OK building look much better.

    @ PanzerKaput, Thanks, I like the way basing them on a single base really pulls them together



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