
Saturday 6 July 2013

Farmhouse by Leven Miniatures - Building of the Week

Friday Night saw me again with no building ready for this weeks post but that was not a problem as I had planned for this within my week of prep work. You see I have promised to do a tutorial for the Leven site but the more I thought about the more I feel I need to do a couple to cater for the different needs of the terrain builder.

I believe that how we look at terrain has changed more than any other aspect of wargaming in the last twenty years. A much larger section of wargamers want their terrain to look really good to match the improved quality of figures, both casting and painting. Indeed I think the improved basing of figures is the bridge between the two aspects of the game.

But at the same time we still have a large number that prefer to spend most of their painting time on the figures and want their buildings to still look good but don't want to spend hours on each building so I have painted up a group of buildings for a paint them up quick method. The slower painting tutorial will be done over the next few weeks and both tutorials will be blogged here when all are happy with the results.

So anyway one wit the show. The building this week is Leven Miniatures FAR01 Farmhouse and costs £1.50 unpainted. I think it's more of a modern building than one I would normally choose to use for Napoleonic's but as so often is the case in 6mm it will be acceptable in such a setting.

As I was going for speed I will spare my blushes by not going to close. This is the front aspect and again as speed was the name of the game I primed the building in Halfords grey primer and inked the detail with watered down black paint, heavier on the bricks than the tiles.

The lean too should really have a corrugated roof but I tried for a wood effect finish which is OK I guess but would look better with the correct finish.

As tends to be the case with Leven, you get a lot of surface detail making painting really easy, though you also tend to get air bubbles or resin beads. The beads just pop off with a bladewhilst most bubbles are not a real issue though you can fill most with little trouble.

All told I spent about 15 minutes painting this building and it shows a bit to be honest but that was the aim. I have the same building and I will paint it up with a little more work going into it to show the difference. Not that I stop here with this building as it has yet to be based and I have a few ideas to dress it up to a better standard of finish. I have not based this one yet as it is going on a base with two other buildings and I have yet to do the full plan, that is a job probably for next week.


  1. That looks amazing especailly as you only spend 15mins. There is some very nice buildings out there for 6mil these days

  2. 15 minutes for that little beauty? What a result Ian.

  3. @ PanzerKaput, indeed there are. I spent about an hour total over four buildings and one statue. Obviously if I was having to paint the walls etc from scratch it would have been longer. I have not included the time it took to wash and prep the buildings in the total but even if I did I doubt I would add more than five minutes to the total

    @ Michael, Yes it's amazing what you can achieve when given a good model to work on.



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